Time To Panic Yet?

No, I am NOT given to panic and excess worry about doomsday scenarios! I do have a healthy and busy life, with a lot of interests in many good and noble things. However, I am also a student of history, and what I am seeing these past few years is giving me cause for some alarm. I wonder if you are getting the same sense of things as I am? If you are, take a look – after all, it is only five years to 2012.

Any one of these ‘forecasts’ by experts and by people who seem to know what the score is, may be devastating by themselves. But taken together, they become an overwhelming foregone conclusion that in the immediate future, perhaps less than a decade away, things are really going to hit the fan. Any one of them seem to spell doom and gloom for Mankind, but taken all together, they sure seem to approach total annihilation, don’t they?

Take a couple of minutes to read some or all of these. But don’t panic yet. There are things you and I can do about them. (And there is more to the story…)

Vast areas of the oceans of the world are now devoid of life, causing fish and birds dependent on them for food to also perish. It is estimated that this will have a drastic effect on earth’s climate, as well as its food chain.

The greatest underground source of water for the Midwest, breadbasket to the world, is drying up at an alarming rate. It is estimated that the Midwest will soon become another dust bowl.

All the equatorial glaciers that supply water to rainforests are going away during the next two decades. Without the world’s rainforests, the effect on the world’s weather and its ability to produce food is incalcuable. http://www.blueclimate.com/

The population of the world will hit 7 billion in the year 2011. But it is not known if the present state of the world’s overburdened food can supply such an increase as this.

The outlook is grim for containing a possible world-wide pandemic such as Bird Flu, which continues to claim more victims and leapfrog continents. Its victims are ususally under 40 years old.

China and India will overtake the United States as the world’s biggest source of atmospheric carbon dioxide in the next decade, furthering and accelerating global warming.

Arctic wildlife is dying off due to melting polar caps, which is also affecting other areas. Vast extinctions are expected in the next decade. Inuit sue Congress over this.

World oil production is already at peak capacity, and there is no more room for future growth. Which means greater gasoline prices, and/or less oil and gas for everyone.

It looks like the Second Great Depression may have already begun, with America vastly in debt to foreign governments, with our housing and stock market tettering on the brink of collapse.

Odds are very favorable that some combination of plague, world war, or famine will wipe out much or most of the world’s population this century.

Yes global warming may trigger great increases in the world’s deserts, and/or cause major extinctions of plants and animals. Yes the seas may rise and wipe out most of the costal lands of every continent. Yes global warming may or may not be real, and/or may or may not cause a sudden ice age, or make the world largely uninhabitable – but all this may be decades away, and we are only looking at things that may affect us in the near future of five years or so. (Also not covered, the next species extinctiion astroid strike, the World Bank Conspiracy, the Public School Conspiracy, and the coming New World Government. And no, we have not covered the rapid erosion of our innate freedoms guaranteed to us under the Constitution, which is a whole other major problem facing our country’s continued existence today.)


Although things in the near future do look bleak, there are things you can do to protect yourself and your family. Hard things, but doable, if you really want to do them. Try not to get too mad as you read these, because any one of them will put you out of your comfort zone, but they might save your life.

Perhaps now is not the time to buy that new house/car/boat – whatever. Perhaps now is a good time to pay off all your debts. Perhaps you can sell your big house and move into a smaller one that can be easily and quickly paid off. After all, the first casualties in any bleak economy are things you bought with credit. Homelessness or living in your car is not fun.

You might also wish to stock up on some dry goods and canned goods for a hard winter and/or a hot, dry summer. Better invest in a bike or moped too, while you are at it, and learn to walk or ride places, rather than drive. Get yourself a portable power generator which doesn’t require gasoline, and something to filter tap water to make it drinkable. Also buy and keep well stocked a good home medical kit, some hand powered flashlights and a portable shortwave radio.

And perhaps consider getting rid of your TV and investing in some good books. (At the very least, you will help us save the fuel that supplies our electricity) and you may become a better informed individual with an increased ability to think. The idea is to become a part of the solution, instead of the problem, by becoming a public advocate or activist for ‘something,’ instead of a useless-to-the-world couch potato.

And if you decide to try to make a difference in the world, pick a problem – there are so many: rampant world hunger, widespread homelessness, dwindling fresh clean water sources, intrenched denial of basic human rights, rapidly expanding mass extinction, world-wide pollution of air, land and oceans – the list is long and getting longer.

If you have kids, consider keeping them at home and schooling them yourself or in a home school association. Better still, if you don’t have children, plan on not having any of your own. Why bring innocent young children up in such a future? Or, better yet, decide to adopt a one or two of the millions of orphans in the world that already face a much worse future than you do.

Print out a copy of the United States Constitution, the American Bill of Rights, and memorize or become very familiar with them. Reading these, and looking at the present situation in the country and the world should make you mad as hell. If you aren’t, you don’t know what is going on.

Everything you do, no matter how insignificant you think it might be, can help us all to survive the new world order, whatever it is going to be.

The very last thing you can do is to read up on all of these issues. (You do know how to Google, right?) Do not take my word for anything, or even the word of those who write the articles at these links. The idea is to QUESTION EVERYTHING. You may come to some different conclusion than I have. (If you do, and if you think the near future of the world is going to be rosy, tell us so.) After you have become your own expert on these things, tell eveyone else you know to do the same. There is still great power in the mass of any population to make changes in the world. And right now, your world needs you more than ever. Become proactive. You can continue to be a part of the problem, or you can become a part of the solution. (And if none of these things happen, think about how much better off you and your family will be, because you became a more proactive and involved person.)

Roger Born
“Sorry. No Refunds. – Void where prohibited. – Accept no substitues. – Your mileage may vary. – Film at 11.”










OK. I understand. There is a rational, well thought out alternative for all of the above: None of what was mentioned above will be the end of the world as we know it, nor will anything else be, either. Sure, there might be local and horrific effects from some of it, but most of it will never happen, especially the world-enders we talked about. Why do I know this? Well, it takes a belief in something very ancient – a basic promise that the world will continue right up till the very end, with normal and regular nights and days and normal and uniform seasons of planting and harvest. People will continue to marry and be given in marriage, and the world will do what it normally does into the future. Want to know where I got the information? Send me an email and I will tell you, and then you can decide for yourself. And no, I am not charging anything for the information. It is all free to anyone who asks. But you still should become proactive and fight for your own future and the future of those you love and care for, as well as fight against world hunger and homelessness, and all its other ills, right? ~ RB


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