Tiger or Leopard? Decisions, decisions…

Looks like Leopard is going to be a winner. Taking much better advantage of dual-processor machines, slick new user interface goodies in the Finder and elsewhere. It all looks reeeeealy neat.

The contrarian curmudgeon in me needs a few questions answered first… On my dual 2GHz G5 tower, if I upgrade to Leopard, do I lose the last of my Classic support? I still have a few Classic apps out there that I have not been able to wean myself from, so I really need to know.

Whatever the deal, my MacBook will get the Leopard transplant come what may, as will my Core Duo Mac mini. No Classic apps muddying the waters there. But I still have to think about the tower, which is my primary working machine. In Classic mode, my copy of FrameMaker 7.0 still runs circles around the newer FrameMaker 7.2 running on Windows XP Pro in Parallels on my MacBook. Probably bus speeds and an architecture designed for speed and not power savings, more than anything. Admittedly, most folks don’t need to import a heavily-formatted 30 megabyte RTF file into FrameMaker, and I’m sure if I were patient enough (like leaving it alone for a few days), my MacBook would eventually work its way through this huge file, with cooling fans screaming and processors running at near lap-scalding temperatures. And yes, I could probably break the file up into individual chapters in MS Word (and may yet have to) and then use the book-making features in FrameMaker to put this 2000 page genealogy together. But you know, that same 30 megabyte file screamed through FrameMaker 7.0 in Classic mode on my G5 tower in a couple of hours (with fans screaming–you’d have thought there was a hurricane INSIDE my house). That’s why I want, er, NEED Classic support for Leopard.

Did I ramble again?

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