“Those Mac People” Guest Essay by Carolyn Searle

Guest Essay: “Those Mac People”

It happened. I’ve somehow become ‘one of those Mac people.” I really can’t even explain how or when because it just came over me. I’m not even the type. I mean I am not a computer person at all. I’m certainly not a graphic design person. But, I realize now, it doesn’t really matter. If it can happen to me, it can happen to anyone.

I used to work in the corporate world where all of the graphic designers in marketing and store design were Mac people. They wouldn’t have it any other way and it drove us all crazy because they had ‘special needs.” It seemed like we were always buying software and updating systems separate from the rest of the staff. High maintenance, that’s what they were.

And then one time I had a role in which I created web content for a publisher and of course I had to make adjustments after we heard from some Mac people complaining that it wasn’t compatible with their systems. Why can’t those Mac people use PCs like the rest of us? It would make life so much easier.

Then my sister and brother-in-law bought a Mac service store, so I had to buy a Mac to be at one with my family. Ho hum. It was an iMac and when it came in the mail I had no idea what to do. I was busy so I set it aside.

A few days later my sister called asking how I liked it. ‘Oh, I haven’t gotten to that yet,’ I said. ‘What do you mean?’ she replied. ‘Well, I don’t really know how to hook it up and I don’t have time to deal with it right now,’ I answered. ‘Plug it in,’ she said. Well, there wasn’t a whole lot more to it than that.

That was all fine and good. No big deal. I have a new computer now and it happens to be a Macintosh. Back to my life. Then one day I was helping my Mom with something on her PC and when I saw the screen, I honestly felt my gut flinch. It was almost look a ‘ooh, yuck.” Almost as though I didn’t want to even touch it. That’s when I realized I had become ‘one of those Mac people.” I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Macintosh. It’s pretty. It’s cool. And it’s oh so functional and reliable. I’m hooked. I’m sure I’m not in the same league with a lot of you, but I’m learning keystrokes so don’t count me out!

Carolyn Searle

[Editor’s note: Carolyn is no relation to Guy Searle.]

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