Thieving Swine

A while ago I wrote a review of Media Edit Pro. It’s a nice program, a sweet spot between iMovie and Final Cut Pro. Today I got an e-mail from MG, MG had been thinking about buying MEP and had a question. In his research he noticed that my review was pasted everywhere without credit. Folks, that’s just wrong. Why would MG need to look any further than my ever so thorough review? Oh, the plagiarism part.. I would’ve appreciated a mention by name, but it’s not like it’s costing me money. Research indicates that someone posted the review on Amazon and all the other sites are bagging it from there. I guess if anyone should be ticked it’s Tim. Heck, he’s got the copyright and those are hits stolen from mymac.

I try to post a game with every weblog entry. My reasoning: People will return the favor and give me a heads up when they find a cool game (Beth came through). I suspect my readership is around, guessing… still guessing..adding…calculating…counting links…. 1. So dammit Todd, pull your weight and send me a link to whatever game you’re playing when you should be working.

Todays Game: Slip on those two tone shoes, grab a longneck, fire up a Marlboro cause we’re going Bowling.

Outrage of the moment: Kids in the Hall is apparently gone from Comedy Central. When I tuned in during naptime today I was looking at Strangers with Candy. Kids in the Hall=Funny, Strangers with Candy=crapathon.

Hey, I think I’ve found the source of Carmel’s passport woes.

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