These Boys Are Hitting Their Stride

Nitrozac and Snaggy are the long-time creators of The Joy Of Tech, which is not just a cartoon series (you should visit their SITE).

Their cartoon today (June 12th), is perhaps their funniest and best cartoon of all time. (My personal opinion, of course – your mileage may vary.)

Take a LOOK (If you are reading this at a later date, it is the cartoon created on June 12th, 2007).

The fact is, great cartoons, anywhere, are a strange and wonderful amalgam of art, critical thought and humor. Nowhere is this more evident, than with our friends here. So, naturally, their subject would include the Macintosh, and their spreading fame is well deserved.

Well, I will not bore you with a commentary on today’s cartoon at Joy Of Tech. Go read it for yourself.

Roger Born
“Never squat with your spurs on.”


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