The X-Prize Is About To Be Won

The $10 million Amsari X Prize for the successful flight of a corporate or private craft into space may well be on its way to being won, come July 27th.

SpaceShipOne is the contender for the X Prize, and it was built by Scaled Composites, under Burt Rutan, here in Mojave California.

Its last flight barely made it into space (100 kilometers), but the spaceship became the first to break into space as a privately owned craft.

July 27th will mark the first of three flights, each a week apart. The prize only requires two flights, two weeks apart, but Mr. Rutan wants to insure they have a good shot at this, which is why they are giving it three tries.

The deadline for entries for this prize expires in December.

Actually, perahps Scaled Composites wants to get their craft off the ground as soon as possible. Local Scientists in Southern California predict a major (6.5 or greater) earthquake here in the Mojave region in mid August.

Stay tuned to this channel for further details.

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