I admit it, I love a good Urban legend. The stranger and more bizarre they are, the better I like them. Of course, most urban legends are total baloney, but they do have a certain amount of entertainment value. Who could ever forget some of the classic urban legends, such as the kid whose stomach exploded, after he consumed a package of Pop Rocks candy, and a bottle of soda? How about the college girl who wanted to have the absolute tightest jeans possible for an upcoming date, so she sat in a bathtub full of warm water while wearing the jeans, so they’d ‘œshrink to fit’. Shrink they did, to the point that she could not move enough to get out of the bathtub, and the local fire department had to be called in. (a variation on that one has the jeans shrinking so fast and so tightly, that the young woman was asphyxiated.) All funny stuff, and part of what makes life in America so,,,, how to put it,,,, unique.
But you know, nothing beats some of the real things that are happening in the world today. Someone once said that ‘Truth is stranger than fiction’, and I think whoever said that was right. So here, for your reading pleasure, is a small collection of links I’ve put together over the last few weeks, all from actual news sources. Have a read.
Still think I was wasting my Saturday afternoons watching all those silly, black and white horror movies from the 50’s?
Someone get Stephen King on the phone.
Now Justin, we really need to discuss your feelings. (in my best white suburban soccer mom voice.
Well, I liked it better when they wore hot pants as part of the uniform. Nowadays, we have this. Oh for the good old days.
Hey! Hey!! They’re interfering with capitalism and free enterprise. Someone get DKE on the phone.
He does what?!?!? I’ll bet the ACLU could find a way to defend this though. A rare medical condition perhaps.
Now class, this would never happen in Massachusetts or New York.
What’s it gonna take to convince people not to yak it up on a cell phone while driving?
And finally, a Classic from a few years back. I’ll bet he’s not a grad student from MIT or Virginia Tech.
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