The Usual Suspects

I’ve been going like crazy trying to get the book stuff done. Well that’s a lie. See I stay home and take care of the kid so I don’t get a chance to work on the book projects until the kid hits the sack (I suspect Tim is familiar with that pattern). So from 8:30 on it’s all been book stuff instead of blog stuff. Which is nice cause the book stuff pays but bad because I have to admit I really enjoy posting.

If I had my wish I’d direct movies all day, I love editing video and all the ancillary stuff (hate being on camera) but the problem is you can’t really do iourself. Nope, you’ve gotta get some friends, the more the better. I’ve got exactly one friend who’ll do video stuff and that’s Todd. Problem is he needs to see the script first. If Tim lived close to knoxville we could do some excellent stuff. Tim has some interesting very confrontational video ideas. Jeebus, who am I kidding? That’s a long LONG segue just to get to this link Canada Smackdown. It’s pretty good, they curse like freaking sailors so be warned. Problem with the link is that they try to paint an entire country by the actions of a few. Got bad news, every country has jerks and a$$holes. Even, as the video illustrates, Canada. Chief export: comedians.

A few e-mailers took offense at my BushorChimp link in the last blog. They felt it was unbalanced. They mostly just whined but one e-mailer took the bull by the horns and pointed me to: Moore or pig. I think it’s much better than BushorChimp.

People are saying “when are you going to get to Bailey? I gotta have the Bailey stuff. I NEED the Bailey!” Don’t worry, it’s coming.

Bailey’s Big House of Happy Links*

*Disavowed by Bailey

I guess this hsould be calle What would you do for 40 bucks? It’s a movie about a guy getting hit in the face with a pie. Strangely compelling.

Some quality background music Neil Diamond is the new hotness.

Bagged this from Chris Null’s blog (a personal fave). Brings back memories.

Very, very funny:
Dance Monkey

Game pick:
Operation Thunderbolt

Useless blog fodder:
Clown pic to scare the Pres:

Fact that should scare the Pres: 7 days

cksBL tridiot rating: From the the gangsta translator 121.035%.

Bonus coverage: The Horror of Blimps

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