I’ve delayed long enough. It’s time for a new computer. I’ve nursed this current one long enough. I also have delayed this column long enough. But I had to wait until today’s WWDC announcements. Most importantly? The new G3 PowerBooks.
Here is the deal. I’ve got a MacTell XB series Macintosh clone (200MHz 604e, 72 megs of RAM, 4MB of VRAM and a 2 Gig IDE HD).
MacTell? (http://www.mactell.com) Never heard of them? They are about the only Mac clone manufacturers that made it through being “Steved.” They did so by adapting and not whining and crying that their license went poof. They made some darn good computers and now they make some darn good accessories for the iMac (http://www.imaccessories.com). Not to mention FireWire hard drives for your Blue and White G3 (http://www.firepower.com). As well as some killer Graphic Cards and accelerator cards.
These guys are good. They have adapted at an incredible rate… and I’m glad to have been their customer.
No, this is NOT a commercial for MacTell. I don’t even think they advertise with us. This is about me needing a new ‘puter. And bad!
Seems my MacTell is really getting long in the tooth. It is a sordid story that I won’t fully tell here. This was a great machine. I still love it and I’m sure I’ll find some way to use it for some time. (Hmmmm maybe it is time for Mom to get a Mac.)
I’ve known that I’ve needed a G3 for some time. I was just waiting for the right time. Well, it turns out the time is getting riper by the minute.
Today at the WWDC, Steve announced what we all knew was coming. New PowerBooks. And ohhhh, what a treat they seem to be!
Nearly two pounds lighter. Twenty percent thinner. Cooler and FASTER! This is a good combination. My friends will tell you I have had a case of PowerBook fever something bad. Real bad. The type of life I have a PowerBook just makes more sense than having desktop computers all over the place.
So Apple has a killer PowerBook out right now and I’m thinking I just might take the plunge. But first let’s review what is out there for me to purchase. Both desktops and PowerBooks.
The things I need:
Expandability. Portability. Performance. And of course all these champagne choices must come on a beer budget. So let’s review.
The iMac
If I wanted to save a bit of money I could just get me an iMac. I’m just not sure. Maybe I’ll see if I can’t find a screaming deal on one of the original Bondi Blues. But for right now, I’d like a little bit more than what the iMac can give me. And by that I mostly mean expandability. I would dearly love to have one of these beauties, but for right now I just don’t see one in my future.
iMac Cost: 10
Really Reasonable. Even with all the extras I’d have to buy like RAM and adapters. Especially if I got one of the older ones.
iMac Performance: 3-7
Really quite respectable if I got the 333. Kinda lagging if I get the 233.
iMac Expandability: 0
Nada, zip, nil, the big goose egg.
iMac Portability: 3
Well, almost. (But almost only counts in horseshoes, hand grenades and teenage dancing.)
Refurbished Beige G3s
Now this has caught my eye. I don’t think the processor is upgradeable but I could add additional drives and CD-ROMs and more memory much easier on this system. Plus it would run OS X Server if I wanted to get my feet wet. I have to imagine they are dependable, indestructible and maybe I can find one for a song. As of this writing, Apple has a pair of units at the Apple Store, (http://www.apple.com/store) the 300MHz MiniTower with 64 megs of RAM, Zip and 8 Gig IDE hard drive is $1649. But is this a deal? Seems a little steep for something that is pretty much obsolete.
Refurbished Beige G3 Cost: 4-6
Not the greatest, unless I try to find a steal of a used one. But I might end up the one being robbed.
Refurbished Beige G3 Performance: 3-6
Not bad if I got a 333. Kinda lagging if I get anything less than 300.
Refurbished Beige G3 Expandability: 6
With the exception of the processor really good. But that is a pretty big exception.
Refurbished Beige G3 Portability: 0
Nada, zip, nil, the big goose egg.
PDQ WallStreet
Most likely I could pick up a WallStreet unit for a song. They have ADB, SCSI, Ethernet, and expansion bays. I’m going to want to see where the bottom hits on these before I decide to go that route.
The downside to these units is heat and weight. They generate a lot of heat and they are a bit on the heavy side. But they are portable! Which is a very big plus to me.
PDQ WallStreet Cost: 6-9
I could also get a refurbished one here and save some dough!
PDQ WallStreet Performance: 3-6
I don’t think I’d go with anything less than 300 MHz here.
PDQ WallStreet Expandability: 4
No processor upgrades are likely, though I might be surprised. My 4400-based MacTell now has a processor upgrade. Who would have thought? The expansion bays are hot-swappable and the price on them should be coming down since the new PowerBook will not accept these any more.
PDQ WallStreet Portability: 7
They are heavy though.
New Blue and White G3
I could, for the same price as the refurbished beige G3, get a brand new machine with the same expandability in terms of bays and PCI slots. Plus the added benefit of processor upgradability and 4 times the warranty. Not to mention one really cool looking computer.
The downside? Hooking up my printers and scanner. I’d have to buy a whole set of adapters to get my legacy hardware attached. Not to mention portability or rather the lack of it.
New Blue and White G3 Cost: 7-8
But are there speed bumps coming? Hence the add-on take off rebate?
New Blue and White G3 Performance: 7-10
But are there speed bumps coming? Hence the add-on take off rebate?
New Blue and White G3 Expandability: 9
No processor upgrades are guaranteed but they sure seem very likely. Apple made a big deal about these being expandable when they were first introduced. They can’t advertise it, but I think it is likely.
New Blue and White G3 Portability: 1
They get one point for the handles.
The New and Improved G3 Series PowerBook
These were just announced today. I just am drooling over these. But I’ve got to wonder. These units are brand new, untested in the real world. And it seems to me I remember reading that Apple was going to price these much more aggressively. Could it be they are waiting for additional models to come on-line before dropping the price? Could they be keeping the price high until absolutely all the 233s, 266s and 300s are out of the channel?
Will the processor be upgradeable? Will the prices come down just after I buy one? Certainly their decreased weight is wonderful. The new ATI chipset for the video much more aggressive.
But there is also the question of my printers and what-not being able to hook up. (I’m glad the SCSI was kept onboard!)
New and Improved G3 Series PowerBook Cost: 0-3
We all saw how low the WallStreets got. Tough to say. Maybe after the first price decrease this score would improve.
New and Improved G3 Series PowerBook Performance: 7-0
But ouch, at what cost?
New and Improved G3 Series PowerBook Expandability: 7
The rumor sites have been saying that this unit most likely will have processor upgrades. However, the expansion bays will command a premium price for a time and may be in short supply.
New and Improved G3 Series PowerBook Portability: 10
In its class, nothing can touch it! Nothing with a 14.1 inch screen and only 5.9 pounds with the CD-ROM and a battery!
Ohhhh decisions… decisions.
Do I get an ethernet card for my MacTell and never shut it off again and network it to a new PowerBook?
Do I buy a refurbed or used beige G3 and a refurbed WallStreet?
Do I bite the bullet and buy a brand new PowerBook? (rubbing his back pocket)
Tune in next month when hopefully I’ll be writing my column from one of these decisions!
Bob McCormick
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