i got in the car, pulled out my iPAD and plugged it into the dash. The green light said it was secure and solidly connected. I waited for a bit while the other driver showed up. once she was onboard, i knew i could settle down and relax. i dialed up a latte from the dash and began to watch the scenery as she drove the short distance to the expressway, on our journey from the California high desert to Albuquerque to see Sis – about an eight hour trip.

“are you confortable?” she asked.

“sure. this is easy, Myra. thanks.”

“well Jason, recline your seat and watch a movie or do your mail.”

“nah. i like to watch the world go by.”

it was raining this late afternoon, and there was some clearing out on the horizon, bringing bright beams of sunshine over the freshly washed landscape.

“you should sleep. do you want to drive later?”

“of course. that is my privledge. i will tell you when.”

she was doing well, as always. i watched her for a while, as she expertly moved in and out of traffic, increasing our speed to the maximum allowed, while shifting from one engine to another (this car had three different kinds) thus saving our fuel and giving us excellent mileage. i didn’t think anyone could do this better than her.

as night began to fall, there were bright lights wending their way past us, from various exits, but it was of little interest. i dialed up a satellite station and listened to some excellent Bartok, then grew sleepy. then i dozed off.

much later, a pulsing light woke me, which is definitely something unusual.

“what is it, Myra?”

“im sorry. we are coming to a stretch of highway where i am not allowed to drive.”

i saw the yellow flashing lights ahead, following ahead of us on the guard rails, indicating that we slow for a highway check. these old way stations, manned by state troopers, were an archaic holdover from the old days, as far as i was concerned. this one was at the Arizona/New Mexico border. they were checking for contraband fruit, but most likely for something far more serious.

i called for the controls, and took the steering yoke, as my car approached the waiting officer.

“good evening. do you have any fruits from California on board?”


“traveling alone?”

“as you can see, there is no one else in my little two seater, officer.”

“well, pleasant trip.” he waved me on through. almost unobtrusive was the handheld he had, which i knew had scanned my biosigns for anything illicit. nice touch.

as i regained speed and the highway gave way once again to the expressway, i tried to shake myself awake, and dialed another drink while i quickly used the traveler’s friend.

“Myra, i’m going to drive the rest of the way.”

“but Jason, that would mean that you will get to your sister’s home at 4 in the morning, and you know they will want to get up and see you, and you will get no sleep for the rest of the day.”

i considered for a moment, but i knew she was right. she usually is.

“ok. you drive and i will finish my night’s sleep. there is little to see along the way here anyway, since the moon is down, and we will get there before the sun rises, so i won’t miss that.”

Myra put away the steering yoke and i reclined my seat again with a barely suppressed yawn. it felt good to have the other driver do the tedious, long hours between places, especially when you know they are just better at what they do than we are.

Myra lives on my iPAD, and she belongs to me alone, so she goes along with me no matter what vehicle i drive. Apple makes some pretty amazing things these days, but then they always have.

it will be fun to see my sister’s face when i introduce her.

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