The Next Presidential Election

Even with all our short term memories, how can any of us forget the last two presidential elections? Network news embarrassed themselves over their early predicitons, and it took the Supreme Court to finally give us a winner, didn’t it?

Of course all that was soon eclipsed by 9/11, so perhaps we don’t remember too clearly what transpired this last election, and how divided we were as a nation over it all. In some places, it looked like there was going to be a civil war between the Red and the Blue any minute. How could two sides be more philosophically opposed?

So, in much less than two years, we will all be in the thick of it again, and most likely with the same players.

On one hand, we will have another Bush running for the highest office.

On the other hand, the Dems will likely field a very beatable opponent with leftist values that cut against the grain for most of the families in our country. (When will these guys ever get a clue?)


What’s that? You missed the part about another Bush for President?

Oh, come on. Who else do you think the Republicans will field to take the job? Some old Senate workhorse who doesn’t look the part? Some war hero who is hostile to big business?

Face it, if you think these elections are won by the electorate (us) with us casting our votes, you don’t understand the concept of world movers acting and moving behind closed doors, calling all the shots. (Or do you think chadless Florida was a fluke?)

There will be a third Bush in the white house, mark my words. Jeb Bush will be President in either 2008 or 2012.

Of course we all know the significance of that 2012 date, don’t we Skully?

I hear we will also be on Mars by 2012. Wonder if they have room for another passenger on that rocket?

(And you guys told me you don’t believe in the “End Times.”)

Roger Born
“Sorry, no refunds”


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