The New iMac Will Be Invisible

I am taking this out of the blog replies because I think the idea is worthwhile.

What Apple needs to do to make the next iMac insanely great is to make it disappear.

What if the new iMac was a collection of very small parts, all wirelessly integrated without cables, including the new wall socket wireless hub? More parts could be easily added to it, including a new camera, the iPod, etc?

The intital cost for your new iMac could be small to start, and you could add to it.

Take an old PC apart and lay out the CPU, the hard drive, the CD/DVD, and the power supply, and you can see how it could stack together in a different, much smaller way, or how it could be scattered over your office with no wires at all.

Think about it.

If your Mac came in pieces, where would you keep them?

The monitor, keyboard and superdrive you would keep on your desk.

Your powersupply, and your networking, you could plug into the wall.

The CPU and memory could sit on a bookcase or in a drawer. So could the hard drive.

All you would need to see of your Mac is on your desk. The rest are someplace you wish to keep them.

No more rats nest of cables. Just one power cord to your monitor on the desk. If your keyboard and superdrive were not wireless, they could plug into the monitor.

So could your iPod cradle. Your USB and Firewire could also plug into the monitor. But I think you would rather all these be wireless too.

Of course you would need a power cord to your CPU from the power supply on the wall, but the rest could all be wireless.

The iMac itself would essentially then be an invisible computer.

Now THATs a new paradigm in computing!

Perhaps next month will not reveal this kind of iMac, but I believe it will come eventually.

I am not the first to think of this, I am sure. Several bloggers have sort of hinted at this idea. Perhaps Steve Jobs has already taken the Mac down this path.

Roger Born

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