The New Columbia, Maryland Apple Store

I was at The Mall in Columbia yesterday, when I remembered that an Apple Store just opened up there. Suprisingly, this is the fifth Apple Store in Maryland. While at the The Mall (yes that is the name) I had to go check it out. I read articles on the net that Apple was changing the design of the stores, and this was one that was getting the redesign.

It definitely looked different than the two other Apple Store’s I’ve been to. The store is a lot more spacious. It has a big open space feel to it. The counters are all made of wood and have a natural wood look, instead of an all white look. If you’ve seen pictures of the “Cube” in New York, that is what it is like.

The rest of the store was basically the same. iPods and iPod toys everywhere. Computers lining the walls. Software, and other gear in the back of the store. Typical stuff.

While there I checked out the new Nanos. I don’t know if it is me or not, but they felt a lot lighter and smaller than the original Nanos. One of the pens on my desk is heavier than these things. The neon colors in the commercial and ads for the new Nanos are no exageration. These things are bright. The color is almost flourescent. I definitely like the new/old aluminum casing of the iPod mini on these Nanos.

No new shuffles yet. I guess they won’t be on display until they are released.

I also tried to check out the 24″ iMacs. I couldn’t get near them. They were the most popular thing in the store. However, from what I could see they are nice. The 24″ screen is huge. A lot of real estate.

They also had one of the new iPod Video accessories that looks like a portable DVD player and plays video through a 5″ screen. I don’t remember the brand, but it I liked it.

Sorry, no pictures. Just thought I’d post what I saw.

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