A review of the latest agreement with Lebanon, Hezbollah, Iran and the French goes something like this.
Hezbollah is responsible for kidnappings, murders, hijackings and many bombings. Hezbollah is an organization that was founded on a fanatical Iranian Sect of Shia / Muslims on the philosophy of terror, uses terrorist methods, and is lead by a terrorist, but France and the U.N. agrees with all that, but says they aren’t really terrorists; go figure. And while the rational in the world see unprovoked attacks into a sovereign country (Israel) as wrong, since much of Arab street ignores Israel right to exist in the first place, they see Hezbollah as completely legitimate in “defending their homeland” by actually attacking Israel, as they see Israel occupying the land called Judea as invalid in the first place. They are ignorant or biased with their history, so choose to ignore that the area was only renamed to Palestina by the Romans in a few hundred AD to spite the Jews (after another extermination of them), but the Jews never left the area. They also ignore that while the Jews pushed about 700,000 Muslims out of Jewish controlled areas, that the Muslims threw 800,000+ Jews out of Muslim controlled areas — and killed many more Jews than the other way around. Oh yeah, and the Muslims started it because they were mad that the Jews were going to get any control over areas, which they got because the Muslims refused to live in peace with anyone else in the first place. (Israel became Israel at least partly because England was tired of the Muslim terrorists so divided things up between the Jews/Muslims based on where they each lived).
We’re tired of seeing Hezbollah start wars by attacking Israel, and want the fighting to stop. We know that for a better chance of that happening that the Lebonese, Muslims and Hezbollah can’t see this as a noble fight with the U.S. and Israel on the wrong side and the rest of the world (the media) and so on, on their side. We NEED to crush hope that they can get what they want through terrorist means, or else we teach every fanatical group in the world that they can start terrorist groups to get what they want if they just keep killing long enough. Europe and France seem to want to perpetuate terrorism through reward of bad actions, the U.S. does not. We want it to be the world strongly against their dreams of victory and glory so they can learn peace. But many others like the war to perpetuate for complex reasons.
France and many others seem to want the fight to continue, because of internal political pressures (and the relief the distraction brings). Seriously, it fits the French bigotry that the Muslims can’t rule themselves, and every event like this proves to the REAL French, why they need to keep control of France from all the dirty Muslims in their midst. They think it harms/distracts the U.S., and gets the world against us; which they see as somehow a win for them. And because they seem to like seeing both the Jews and Muslims kill each other (a win-win for them). I’m not saying every Frenchman is a dirty bigot, but there’s an undertone over there, and this caters to both that, and French superiority by getting to say “look at the filthy barbarians”, and they get to play their favorite game of all; court politics and pitting one group against another, and getting to change deals and back-stab. They really want to look like they are helping the Muslims, while really screwing them over. (That’s very French). It is either that, or they are really as stupid and impotent as they act, which I seriously doubt.
So in implementation, we wanted some conditions; Hezbollah displaced, Iran chastised for supporting terror and developing Nuclear weapons, and the U.N. to gain some credibility back by doing something without them screwing it up, or us having to do it for them. France won, we got none of that.
In negotiations of the peace treaty what we wanted and why. France argued for the status quo (knowing it would lead to future conflicts). So peace stalled, and more people died (France won). Finally, as Hezbollah was getting stung, France agreed to concessions in order to make sure that their bigger allies (Hezbollah and the Iranians) weren’t too hurt in world view by their much lesser allies (the U.S. and Israel). The concessions were that they (the French) would send thousands of troops as part of a U.N. force, and personally work to get others to do the same, in order to guarantee that Hezbollah didn’t re-occupy the area in South Lebanon that Israel just cleared, so that area would be disarmed and not get re-armed, thus they couldn’t attack Israel and start this again. The U.N. agreed, Israel and the U.S. agreed, France agreed to personally send troops and guarantee the success, and Hezbollah sort of agreed. This would prevent a future conflict and give Lebanon a chance against the disruptive force that is Iran/Hezbollah.
Hezbollah immediately said that the resolution didn’t really apply to them, and that they’d keep their weapons, and they started moving back in (with offensive weapons of terror like rockets aimed at civilians). The Lebonese said there’s nothing they can do to stop that. France changed from their promise of sending thousands of troops to sending 200 engineers; proving once again you can never trust the French in the world stage. They are thinking “look at how smart we are at screwing over everyone”. And the U.N. proved they were completely incompetent. The results? Hezbollah is going to get more money and support from the Iranians to bribe more of the Shia into their fanatical and ignorant view of the world. And they will attack Israel again, and more will die, again. The French proved they are duplicitous. The U.N. proved they are inept. And next time it is going to be MUCH uglier because the Israeli’s/Jews now have 59 times that they’ve been screwed over by trusting the U.N. and France to keep their word.
When this happens, I hope you remember this article, and don’t think, “why do these wars have to happen”. It has to happen because…. because the French want it to happen (proven by their actions)…. because the U.N. wants it to happen (because they see their reason for being as negotiating peace, which can’t happen if there aren’t constant conflicts — they they need the conflict to exist and never get fully resolved)… because many Muslims (the majority in some areas) are ignorant racists, full of bravado and empty of common sense or education… because many Muslims have been duped by Iranian puppet masters…. because the Jews want to exist and were tired of being persecuted by the local Muslims or the world…. because Iran is not being stopped by France, the U.N. or Europe which constantly equivocate or want to use the unsuccessful policy of appeasement against the New National Socialists (because it worked so poorly the last time)…. because you let people be rewarded for bad actions!
France wins if the world doesn’t rally against their duplicity and lies in this and teach them that this is bad behavior. The U.N. wins if the world doesn’t rally against their incompetence and teach them that this is bad behavior. Hezbollah wins if they get money and aid to bribe the people to their perverted views. The Iranians win if there’s no consequences for their actions. The media wins because they get ratings by promoting ignorance or sensationalizing a war (without actually informing people on what it is about). And so on, and so on…
Sadly, while the ignorant of the world were calling this World War III, it wasn’t even close. But that is coming if we keep heading down the same path. If the same policies happen, Iran is going to get the bomb, and they ARE going to eventually give it to groups like Hezbollah, and Hezbollah is going to use it, and the Israeli’s will strike back, and then you’ll know what WW III is.
The Iranians want this, but aren’t stupid enough to do it now; they are stalling until they are strong enough to stand a chance; they know that time (and the French view) is on their side. If they can stall the U.N. and E.U. (and U.S.) long enough, they can get Nuclear Weapons. Then they can and will use these weapons to get to their ideal. Their ideal is the same as many muslim fanatics (and most tyrants the world over), to remake their past glory of the Islamic empire. To destroy all the Christians in Lebanon, or murder all the Jews in Judea, er, Israel, and to have another Persian Empire that returns them to their golden age, where they control the majority of the worlds oil, and get to force their views down everyone else’s throats (or kill everyone who disagrees with them).
This isn’t highly different from what Saddam’s vision was either, he stated as much as has Iran/Ahmadinejad, which is why the two of them didn’t get along; Saddam saw it as Sunni/Arab ruled (specifically by his tribe, and more specifically by him/his family), while the Iranians see it as ruled by Shia/Persian ruled (under the teachings of Ayatollah Kamani), more specifically by his followers. Then they will be free to press their same tolerance for others as they have in Iran over all of West Asia.
The funny thing about all this, is this exactly what was happening in the 1930’s regarding Adolf Hitler. There were many arguments and confusion about him, his party, and what they were doing. The rest of the world debated while he consolidate power. They were just a social political organization that helped their own kind. Yes, they had problems with the Jews and those that were not like them, but who didn’t? Most felt there was reason and justification in all that. And it was all ambiguous with many notable people standing up and supporting National Socialism and Hitler, and by the time they finally caught on (if they ever did), it was too late for dozens of millions of people. This is exactly what has been going on with Iran and the middle-east.
Like it or not, History is repeating itself. You can either understand that, or not. The middle east (more properly known as West Asia) has many fanatics fighting for a return of their empire and past glory, just like Hitler. They use scapegoats and ignorance and beat the gong of nationalism (or religion in this case). They have similar social policies towards their own, and towards those they disagree with. Israel or a Christian controlled Lebanon is a threat to their vision, so is why they are attacked first, and which is why all the wars there. That’s why there was a civil war in Labanon in the first place; many Muslims don’t want to live with the Christians or Jews, unless they subjugate them to Islamic law and prejudices!
When a lunatic starts a fight to bully someone else, you can’t really stay neutral, you sort of have to pick a side. The U.S. has angered many by not siding with the majority of the population who wants to crush the Jewish or Christian minority. Europe, France and the U.N. are taking a much more populist and amoral stance. And the Arabs are still fighting amongst themselves nearly as much as they’re fighting everyone else, or this would have gotten much uglier. But like the German people of pre-WWII, they are going to eventually give in to the fanatics as they get worn down by fighting their own fanatics faster than the fanatics get tired of bullying them. Then someone will unify the masses of bigoted and ignorant Arabs under the vision of a new Caliphate. Imagine a 1/2 billion fanatics with the bomb and the majority of the worlds oil? That’s their vision, and Iran is driving hard towards that goal under the cover of needing Nuclear power, because all those oil reserves aren’t enough. Then the world is going to get to see what the cost of denial, peace and appeasement really are; and we’ll all get another opportunity to be the “greatest generation”.
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