The Mighty Mouse, ain’t that mighty after all

The mighty mouse that came with my new iMac in December looks great, there is no doubt about it. The looks is probably the only thing that keeps me from exchanging it for another mouse.

Well I should be fair, I like some of the other features, for example, I absolutely like the fact that when you squeeze the mouse it will invoke exposé. Great thinking.

I like the little scroll ball, that lets you scroll in all four direction. It is great – but just a few minutes ago it wouldn’t scroll up any longer – I’ve only been using it for a month – and not even full time, I would expect something like am mouse to be designed to work for more than a month.

But here are the two main facts, why I hate it:

1) The right mouse button

First of all I don’t get why you have to go in and activate the right mouse button. OK so Macs never had two button mice, but this is 2008! Context sensitive menus are all over Mac OS X and right clicking has been supported in ages. Holding down the ctrl key, while effective, is less than intuitive.

But much worse, right clicking with my mighty mouse is like gambling. Sometimes when I mean to right click, it actually left clicks. It isn’t reliable. For that alone, if I was using this Mac in a production environment, I would have thrown out the mouse.

2) The cable

The cable is really stiff and it is really short. I understand Apple’s thinking, it is to plug into the keyboard , which by the way is awesome. So the length is ok, I’d appreciate a bit more “mouse freedom” though. What drives me up the walls though, the mighty mouse cable is really stiff as well and I don’t get that either. I don’t like it – a minor annoyance,.

The right mouse button is my main issue with the mouse, the stiff cable is something I could life with, but these two annoyance comes from a company’s product that I have come to expect to think of the little details, with the mighty mouse – they haven’t.

This is why I am wishing from a new stylish Apple mouse. I like the look, now I’d like the functionality.

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