The Memoirs of Sully Braxton

Life is a journey I have already traveled. I know not how or why, but I see clearly what is to come and what is to be, and I am unmanned by it!

I am an American, and proud to be one, regardless of what is coming. I am writing this from the year 1953, in Illinois. Right now we are in great conflict with an Asian nation given to Communism, but we will win that war, so to speak. Actually not. Instead, there will be a truce that will last for the next eighty years, only to end at the time when our great nation is removed from the earth.

In the early 1960s, there will be a great president, one beloved by the people, who will bring a sense of wonder and hope to the nation, but he will be assassinated by men desirous to take his office, and to thwart his openness to the East, which they see as a threat to their power. His directives cause our nation to land men on the moon before the beginning of the next decade. His presidency also marks the beginning of freedom for many oppressed American citizens. But that will only be achieved through social strife.

Afterward, there shall come a war in Asia which we cannot win, and after a decade of military spending and great loss of life, we will leave that place in shame, neither having victory nor defeat. In this, a president shall leave office in disgrace, but his predecessor will pardon him.

In the 1970s shall come great social revolution and immorality, accompanied by the rise of a great world-wide epidemic of a sexual disease, and lasting financial recession, while a new threat to the world will begin from the Middle East with the fall of a king. This threat will be from a fascistic religion and will be fought with bullets and bombs.

In the 1980s the world will see the fall of Communism and the rise of another great president, a much older man, also beloved by the people. He will be fearless and steadfast in his economic fight with the East, and will prevail over them, while surviving an assassination attempt. His policies will also rekindle economic growth for the next decade.

In the 1990s, we will have a president who fights the first conflict with the rebels of the Middle East. He will provide us with an easy victory, but this will only set the stage for greater conflict to come. He will be followed by a president known for his lies and his promiscuity, but he will be popular and preside over great economic growth.

In the 2000s, we will see the son of a president take office, but his presidency will be tainted with scandal and deceit. However, the people and the military will trust in him to deliver them from the terror of the Middle East, who will destroy a great sign of American world power in our greatest city, with great loss of innocent American lives.

At the end of his terms, his successor will take office amid great political opposition, and in the midst of great struggle over the world against the Middle Eastern religious rebels. Along with this shall come a great economic collapse and joblessness. Many shall lose all their possessions, but the government will provide for them at the cost of their freedoms. Our nation will be continually at war and under martial law.

In the 2010s, a woman shall take the office of the president, and bring great reforms, although she and her people shall not recover the economy. At this point the rest of the world will become involved in the great global war against the terror of the Middle East, but at the cost of the ruin of two of our cities. The Middle East shall be laid waste, and the world will seek out the rest of those who promote terror everywhere, until they are all killed. Afterward, there will be an uneasy peace in the world because of the rise of fascism in America, and concern about our Imperialistic expansion. A new, strict morality shall overtake our nation as well, and many shall die in pogroms.

In the 2020s, an ineffectual man will take the presidency, and will use the military to continue to enforce America’s internal new economic and social policies. But he will put an end to our overseas expansions, and abandon many nations to thieves, criminals and despots. We will no longer have any allies at all remaining to us, and foreign trade shall cease. Under him, morality shall become lax and a new age of promiscuity shall arise.

In the 2030s, there will be a succession of leaders, none of which claim to be President, and America will be largely isolated from the rest of the world. Foreign travel will be greatly restricted, but world trade will be restored, and the world shall greatly prosper from this. Many of our strongest states and cities shall have independent self-rule. There shall be a great number of American citizens who flee to other countries, and these shall be largely without possessions, but will maintain themselves with their technological expertise and will teach knowledge to their new friends. Incidently, all of our navies and troops will be home, since we shall be ‘uninvited’ by the rest of the world.

However, all of this ends, as I have said at the beginning of this prophesy. It ends eighty years from now, in April of the year of our Lord, 2033. It ends, not with war or plague, but with fire from space.

Two thousand years ago, a star exploded. It had burned all of its Hydrogen, and began to burn Helium and other elements. But after a time, this star exploded and shrank, expelling most of its outer surface into space, as most Pulsars do, in a great beam of matter and energy, expelled from one of its poles. This beam of light and star-matter, three thousand miles in diameter, flew from that star at nearly the speed of light, and it was aimed toward our solar system.

Of course, the journey of that beam took two thousand years, and the date of that star’s death is significant too, since it was also the year in which our Lord was crucified. For those two millenniums our world’s history continued, and finally, after the Renaissance, our continent was discovered and populated, and our dear American nation was born in honor and majesty, and planted with wisdom and goodness. We continued then in our own history, varied with war, blood, and great advances – and mixed with the rise of pride, godlessness and evil within us.

Did God punish us with this burning? Or was it just fate that such a beam of energy happened to touch our world for less than an hour, as it swung through space like a searchlight, never to come to us again? You must answer that one. It is beyond me.

Think of it. Star matter, at above ten thousand degrees, sweeping from one ocean to another, and wiping clean a continent of all life, while removing every sign of civilization in the process. The beam was so hot that it burned through three hundred meters of soil and rock, removing all signs of our great nation. No more concrete freeways, monuments, or edifices, and all of our homes, all of our rivers, valleys, and great beauty gone in flames. Even the new moon temporarily turned dark red, reflecting the light of that burning, and was one of the indicators to the rest of the world that we were gone.

It said somewhere that a third of all life died in that singular event. A third of all the life in the seas; a third of all animals, birds and insects; and a third of all green things as well. Water was turned bitter all over the world, from the ashes of that burning. Many people elsewhere died from that. Therefore, they named the star Wormwood (GRB330423)

But it was the rest of the world that suffered too. Men’s hearts melted in them from great fear, over God touching the world with his finger. God didn’t actually do that, did he? But men thought so. No, Wormwood’s coming was just an act of Nature – an accident of chance. After all, there are lots of Pulsars in the universe, aren’t there?

What happened afterward was that suddenly there was a great gap in the economy of the world, because, as always we were the breadbasket of the world, as well as the provider of everything the people of the world wanted – technology, inventions, iPods and Macintoshes, goods, luxuries, entertainment, porn, and the bodies and souls of men. Without these, all the merchants of the world stood afar off and mourned us in our burning, since we had made them rich, and we never would again.

One more thing happened to the world after that. America was the one who stood for democracy, freedom and liberty in the world, even though those things were gone from our own people. Once we were taken out of the way, the rest of the world fell into slavery, poverty and want. Liberty died in the world, taken from us by the rise of a new world leader, who promised that there would be food, peace, and that never again would any nation die as we had died. Since he is Divine, most people trust that what he says is true.

Thus ends my prophesy, and my own personal hell on earth, having to bear the burden of this knowledge. This is all pointless, you know. There is nothing you or anyone else shall ever do about it, regardless of knowing that it is all coming. What could you do? You will never see that awful light until it upon us all. But, you may always pray. Pray for our nation. Pray for our world. Pray that all of this is just the delusional dream of some madman scribbling away on notebook paper at three in the morning!

May God have mercy on our world, and on the United States of America!

(signed) Sully Braxton, Illinois, 1953

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Doctor Demning here: Our young American patient, Sully Braxton, shows not the slightest sign of recovery. His mind is gone, in my professional opinion. His latest missive shows that this is so, since he obviously thinks of himself as a man who is living in the past.

It is therapeutic I assume, for him to write this way. Herr Braxton is one of thousands of Americans who survived the sudden fiery destruction of their nation. But that is only by the fact that he was here in Germany, and not in the States two months ago. He lost his wife and children there, although he had planned to bring them and had saved money for their travel here. A month ago, he became useless to the company which employed him, and it was they who recommended him to our care. I honestly do not know that I would not have done the same things as he did and become as he is now, were I in his shoes. I pity the man.

But, never mind. Our great Leader has decreed that all such people such as our patient be euthanized as quickly and as painlessly as possible, in order to put the memory of such a horror as the death of that once great nation behind us. It is also now a verboten subject.

Beloved Oberon promises that the future will soon be much better, and that we all will be much safer and prosperous under his Devine leadership. Of this, I have no doubt.

(signed) Dr. Demning, Chief Evaluative Psychotherapist, AHPB, Berlin


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