The Man Who Named The Macintosh

I recently came across the web site for Jef Raskin, one of the original Apple development team members. His take on how the Mac came to be, and Steve Job’s part in it, as well as how PARC came to play a surprisingly minor role in the Macintosh’s development, is a very interesting story!

You might also enjoy this man’s incredible website, which is eclectic, to say the least.

Also, Jef has been working on an improved OS, called THE, which is quite a bit different than any other Graphical User Interface out there now. This is cutting edge/bleeding edge stuff!

Here is the Link

And a link to more Apple history

NOTE: This is a continuation of the blog by Nate Eaton, which he posted here on February 5th, called “Unsung Mac Hero.”

Roger Born

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