What happened in Chapter 18
Pindler gets really irked at Mac for suggesting he was a stooge for someone else. Gassly brings him back to his senses. Gassly also notices the alcove the Mac has hidden the Maltese Cube. Pindler pays Mac $1000 at first, but easily increases that the $10,000. Before anything else can happen, Umax buzzes in and tells Mac his next appointment has arrived and this turns out to be M. Bell. M. Bell makes some pointed rude references to Pindler, but pays him what turns out to be the other half of his fee for procuring the Cube. Pindler tells Bell to pay Mac as well and Bell gives Mac an additional $50,000.
Chapter 19
Some revelations
‘Okay you got your money.’ Said Bell. ‘Now let’s see the Cube.’
‘Not so fast.’ I said. ‘I have a few things to get off my chest and I want some questions answered.’
‘Why should I answer anything?’ said Bell. ‘You’ve been well paid. Who cares what you think?’
I ignored him. He had no explanations for me. I doubt he even knew the details of all that happened over the last 24 hours and even if he did, I suspect he wouldn’t care.
‘How many of you knew who last possessed the Maltese Cube?’
Lisa looked up for the first time since Pindler and Gassly entered the office. Her eyes were puffy and bloodshot. She was scared and for good reason. There was no telling what Pindler and Gassly would do once I exposed the murderer. What neither she nor the others knew was that I never walk blindly into danger when I can help it. I could be careless and at times reckless, but I’m not a fool. My actions are determined by the circumstances I find myself in and when I can stack the deck, I do so.
‘Do not waste my time.’ Pindler said impatiently. ‘You told us that Newton had the Maltese Cube back in your apartment yesterday.’
I turned my attention to Pindler. ‘So I did. I wasn’t telling you something you didn’t already know though was I? It was your men that had Newton’s apartment staked out. It was your men that had searched and trashed the place. It was only because of their incompetence that Newton was able to sneak away.’
Pindler was one cool customer. He didn’t show surprise or anger at what I had deduced.
‘I will neither confirm nor deny what you say.’ He said. ‘What possible difference does it make now?’
‘What’s the difference? I’ll tell you. Newton is dead and he was murdered by someone in your hire.’
Pindler glanced back at Gassly with some surprise. It looked genuine, but it could have been a front. Pindler was capable of ordering someone killed, of that I had no doubt, but I don’t believe he took it lightly. If someone he had in his employ had committed murder without his permission or knowledge, things could get quickly out of his control. If there was one thing he had a fondness for, it was control.
All things considered, I don’t think Pindler had foresight of Newton’s death and his murder had been thought out and planned before the act had been committed. For the first time since I met him, Pindler seemed at a loss for words.
‘You’¦have proof of this?’
Bell spoke up for the first time since my revelation.
‘Hold on. Hold on! I have nothing to do with this! I make computers. This has nothing to do with me!’ He said nervously.
‘It has everything to do with you.’ I said contemptuously. ‘The whole ball of wax started when you hired Pindler to get the Maltese Cube. You didn’t pull the trigger, but you aimed the gun with your greed and short-sightedness.’
Bell pulled back into himself, a shell of the man who had walked through my door. I looked back at Pindler.
‘No, I have nothing that proves any of this. I’m a detective though. How much do you want to bet I could find something?’
‘That is not a wager I would care to make.’ Said Pindler ‘So what now?’
‘That part’s easy enough.’ I replied. ‘We find someone who fits the profile and give him to the police. They just want the murder solved.’
‘Who were you thinking about turning over to them?’ Pindler uttered.
‘Let’s discuss that. Who among us here would the police believe was capable of murder?’
Gassly stepped forward. He obviously didn’t care for the way this conversation was going.
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