It seems as though Mr. Seibold is once again incorrect in his assertion that the aliens can’t exceed the FTL barrier…..Poppycock!!! As a matter of fact he once described in detail the appropriate Cauchy-Euler transformation to the relatavistic denominator that prevented the zero from appearing. ……No…wait….they did tell us that was “bad math”. Nevermind, Seibold is right. &@*# Institue of Physica Submaxima…….
I digress, the entire aim here is to test my blog linkage skills at posting a bit of artwork (Actually score another point for Chris – he posted this sketch for quick link access elsewhere in cyberworld) Hopefully I can scrawl out some more quick sketches in the in the future….
Enough babble, let’s see how magically I can make this picture NOT appear……
Saddim v.935
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