The latest iProng Radio episode is now available

(Because Tim made me do it…)

On this week’s broadcast of iProng Radio, the official podcast of, co-hosts Shelly Brisbin and Bill Palmer apply their schtick to the news of the week in the iPod universe. They also interview Lance Anderson of LA Podcasters and the “Verge of the Fringe” podcast, and take an extended look at some notable new iPod accessories.

This week’s topics include (in no particular order) the iTunes Music Store, The Beatles, Q-prime Management, the Altec Lansing M602 speaker system, the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Led Zeppelin, iBuddiez stands, Metallica, a brief appearance by Tim and Emile Bourquin of Podcast Expo, podcasting’s popularity in Southern California, the Griffin Tuneflex, SanDisk, 30 Seconds to Mars, the chocolate phone, and “if you’re listening to this on a Zune, please turn it off and throw it in a toilet.”

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