The Grouch 2.5B3
Shareware: Freeware
Well, if you want a neat program that has no other value than to make you laugh,
this is for you! Now, to be honest, I really think this is a cute program, but I will not keep it in my extensions folder. Why? While it is fun to hear old Oscar singing (Horribly off key, which is his appeal) it becomes tiresome the twentieth time you hear “Simply because it’s trash”, especially at two in the morning when all is quiet, and you just forgot it would do that when you emptied you trash. Speaking from experience? You bet:-)
There are many reasons to adore this program, but for me the main one is that it is dedicated to Jim Henson, creator of the Muppets. That won many points for me, as I grew up with the Muppets, and loved most of Jim Henson’s work. I like the fact that Eric Shapiro and Ken Hornak, the creators of The Grouch, not only dedicated it to him, but made the dedication in the “About” box. Very classy
A warning also accompanies The Grouch, and it is one parents should heed” “Warning! Children tend to throw lots of files in the trash in order to see & hear Oscar.” That is very true, and true of adults as well! I found myself creating new, empty folders left and right to toss out just to see and hear him. (Well, the first day, anyway) If you hold down the Command key, you will disable The Grouch when you empty the trash.
If you read the mail page in this issue, you will know just how many people have and love this program. Many of those same people sent it to me, which, as I understand it, is the only way you can get it now. Seem’s Sesame Street and/or PBS did not like it, and now all the major online services have pulled it. Not sure how long ago that happened, but it is gone. So how do you get it? Well, if you are a My Mac deluxe subscriber, you got it with this issue. If not, and you really want it, send mail to Rock Ridge Enterprises, 620 Hidden Valley #102, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48104.
One last thing. If you are wondering what it sounds like, simply click The Grouch Icon at the start of this review:-)
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