Starting February 1st, and ending February 21st, you are invited to participate in our first ever Garage Band Loops contest, in which the winner will receive an OWC Neptune 120GB External FireWire drive!
To participate, simply create the best song, using only the GarageBand application from Apple Computer, Inc., part of the brand-new iLife ’04 suite.
Participants are asked to create a song no longer than 3:00 minutes, and then email your song to The winner will be chosen before February 28th, 2004, and will receive courtesy of Other World Computing an OWC Neptune 120GB external Firewire 400 hard drive.
The winner will be chosen by the staff of, and the top three songs, including the winner, will be showcased in QuickTime format at

The rules
Anyone is free to enter except anyone affiliated with either Other World Computing or
All music must be created using only the standard music loops in the Garage Band Application. No third-part sound loops are allowed.
No MIDI music is allowed; you must only use the pre-recorded music loops that come standard in the shipping version of the GarageBand application.
No song may exceed 3:00 minutes.
All submissions must be emailed as a GarageBand file format. No MP3, QuickTime, AIFF, or other music formats are allowed. Just the file created by GarageBand.
All playback of Garage Band program files will be done using a stock copy of the Garage Band application with no modifications.
For more information of prize, please visit here for technical details.
Anyone submitting an entry agrees to allow to post and display their entry on our website for promotional purposes only. All music submitted is considered the property of the participant, who retains all rights to their creation. is only allowed to display and broadcast the top three finishers, including the winner, for a period of ten years.
Anyone submitting an original Garage Band Loops song automatically agrees with the rule provided here.
You may enter as many times as you like.
Please include your name, address, and email address in every entry.
Contest ends 2/21/04
Don’t wait! Enter your Garage Band Loops masterworks starting February 1! Send your entries to! Questions, comments, or suggestions should also be emailed to the above email address. Note: Other World Computing is only sponsoring this contest, and providing the prize to the winner, but takes no responsibility for the contest itself, which is being run exclusively by
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