The Future Under Glass

For those who attended Macworld 2007, they could walk around the solid glass cylinder and view the Future of Everything just inside, not quite within reach.

This is something new, even for Apple.

Usually after the Keynote, out on the Expo floor at the Apple ‘booth,’ there are dozens of the Next NewThing on brightly lit shelves, with helpful Apple attendants close by to explain everything.

Not this time. Apple had just a few of these Next New Things under glass with a silent security guard watching you instead of the glass.

All the rest of us had to be content to view the photos and read the reviews of others who saw and/or held one, if even for a brief moment.

So now you can see the Future.

It is no longer Unknowable, Inscrutible, and Mysterious.

It is right there, almost within reach.

Apple’s new device (the iPhone or the ApplePhone, or whatever it will be called), has absolutely blown everyone away. The astonishment and the gasps during the Keynote were genuine, as was the collective amazement of everyone else who has been witness to, perhaps THE Greatest of all of Apple’s inventions.

Who would have thought that anyone could shoehorn OS X into something the size of a PDA? Who anticipated that they would create a totally new and workable interface, replacing every other means of input, switches, buttons, keys, the mouse and the stylus? Who conceived that it would not only be a phone but the new Video iPod and an Internet Communicator as well?

Of course most of us knew it would be beautiful and world-class, and it is.

But it is the Future we are talking about here.

From now on, Everything Else will be considered inferior, if not obsolete. That includes your iPod, your beloved Macintosh, and whatever else you prize, on your desk or in your pocket.

Apple leads, and everyone else follows/copies/imitates. Why?

Think about the Future, which you can see, there under glass. See what it has that nothing else, anywhere, has.

~ The Interface. The interface you are using now, on whatever it is that you are using, is obsolete. Nothing is more primal and intuitive than the digits at the ends of your hands, and in the Future, it is those that you will be using.

~ the Operating System. What ever OS could there be that is easier and more productive to use than Mac’s own OS X? So whatever you have in your hand now, unless you are using a Mac, does not have that, does it?

~ The Convergence. Absolutely nothing else combines it all into one device. My wife, the Gadget Queen, carries a LifeDrive, a Fuji camera, and a Samsung cell phone in her purse. This year, she will replace them all with Apple’s new Device when it sells, which makes perfect sense to do. She may not even use her iMac that much, especially for email and surfing the Web.

Right now, the Future is under glass. You can see it from here, which takes the paradigm of anticipation and of (im)patiently waiting to whole new levels, doesn’t it?

But if you want to really play with one of these RIGHT NOW, you can.

Just go to and click on the iPhone Tab at the top of the website. There, you will find a life-sized iPhone, which works nearly as well as the real thing.

Roger Born
“Glad to have gotten that off my chest. Your mileage may vary.”

Photo Credit: The above photo was “borrowed” from Bakari Chavanu Thanks!


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