The DSL Installation Mess Continues

If you read Macspiration 48 you’ll learn about the DSL installation problems I had with my grandmother’s house, and I hinted at the problems at my uncle’s house. The messes don’t stop there, and this one could top the other two.

My friend ordered DSL at the end of July. He even switched phone companies to be able to get DSL at the cheaper rate. A few weeks after the order was placed he gets an email saying his service has been delayed another week. He got two more emails like this in the following weeks.

About a month ago he gets a phone call from the company telling him they had to cancel his DSL order due to complications and he needed to start over. This was followed by a letter to return the free hardware or be charged $100.

He called the company and was told he should have never gotten that phone call, and his service/account is still activated. Don’t worry about it.

He then spoke to someone in billing and was told the same thing.

A week later he learns that his old phone company never released his line, and that was probably the problem. He was told not to worry, his service was still going to be activated the following week, and on schedule.

This past week his service was supposedly activated. He even got a phone call asking why he had not set up his account yet.

I went over to set everything up this morning, and no service. We called the company and were told that for some odd reason his account was cancelled! The woman on the other end had no idea why and he needs to call billing. After all, she was only tech support and can’t help with anything else.

Today is Saturday, and billing is closed until Monday!


Check back Monday, and I’ll fill you in on what happens next. To be continued…..

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