When mymac.com (no link, you’re already there) was being prepared for the site redesign one of the things that was kicked around was the logo. Prospective logos were sent to the mailing list and everyone chimed in, some people chimed in a bunch. I don’t remember how many e-mails were sent on the topic but it was a bunch (my small contribution: drop the word internet from the logo). After awhile I started thinking that everyone was hopelessly anal, after all it’s just a frickin’ logo. I still think the whole deal was overblown but I am beginning to see that a bad logo can be very bad indeed. I came to this truth thanks to the purchase of some fruit filled fig newton ripoffs.
I know what you’re thinking “Two pounds for a buck eighty nine? Geeze how can you complain about that.” I agree. I haven’t eaten one but I am sure they are fine apple bars, I feed them to my son on a regular basis. Something did bother me after a time though and that something was Daddy Ray himself. In fact Daddy Ray was starting to give me the willies. Take a close look
See what I mean? Well, probably not. I suggest you print out Daddy Ray’s pic and hang it on your fridge. You’ll start asking questions soon enough. At first they’re innocuous questions but as Daddy Ray’s gaze falls you time after time they get worse.
The question that really bothered me: Just who/what is Daddy Ray supposed to be? I was pulled in three different directions:
A) Daddy Ray is a red Haired Amish guy.
This theory had a lot going for it. Daddy Ray does have a beard and no mustache. Daddy Ray does wear a hat and jacket. But doesn’t Daddy Ray looks a little too evil to be Amish, even if he’s an Amish cocaine dealer? Answer=yes.
B) My next theory was that Daddy Ray was a leprechaun. Hat, read hair, no pot of gold but golden apples might go into the recipe. Plus that smile, that “I know things about you” smirk. Leprechauns are magical so they could probably pull of the superior smirk. On the other hand leprechauns aren’t generally scary and Daddy Ray is scary.
C) My final, and most promising, theory about Daddy Ray was that he was one of those New Orleans Voodoo masters. This had plenty of supporting evidence. He was called “Daddy”, he dressed in white, wore a wide brimmed hat and had the evil grin. His power obviously extended all the way to Knoxville and forced me to buy his apple bars.
Not surprisingly all my ideas were way wrong. Turns out Daddy Ray is just a badly drawn business owner from Missouri. Daddy Ray is also fond of bad golf hats. I am very dissapointed in myself, Daddy Ray and whoever drew the cartoon.
The kid does love his apple bars….
Moral of the story: don’t go overboard on the logo but don’t go crazy cheap either
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