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Author ID #7965539 Licensed to write, March 25, 2021
This Article is Certified Government ProForm Compliant by Editor ID #66166882
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I know that this article will be heavily edited and sanitized before it ever gets to public consumption, so I will say what I want here. You editors already know that I know this, and I am a few points ahead on my demerits this month, so I do not mind speaking about the current era of reading and writing prohibition. You doubtless will make your own article here to replace this one.
How did this “Current Era of Prohibition” come about? Details are sketchy, but Congress sometime in the last decade wrote some sort of copyright law into the Constitution. Since neither of these things (the copyright law nor the Constitution) is web search permitted, it is hard to do anything but speculate about what these things were, and what they mean.
I have been around a few others who remember these things, but they are currently banned from proper society and not permitted to speak of such things. There are rumors, however. Something called the RIAA and a cartoon animator named Disney caused Congress to make these changes in the Law, and all the rest just seemed to follow.
I know this is very sketchy, isn’t it? Current Authorized Books and Journals on American History contain nothing on this subject, and all attempts at research that I have done on my own have become dead ends. It is apparent that there might not even be such a prohibition in existence, despite the many rumors to the contrary.
Even this word, “Prohibition” is a non-word and is not allowed in published works unless it pertains only to the previous century concerning the use of alcohol, and if it is used in a completely non-offending way. (I do not think, my dear Editor, that I have offended anyone yet, so put away your demerit calculator.)
The official position of the Government is that there is no Prohibition of any sort at all. Everything is as it should be. Works of art and all the great writings are still available for viewing for people who are willing to sign the forms, receive the background checks, and pay the fees for seeing them.
Of course books, movies, plays, music, and works of art are not permitted to be privately owned, nor have they ever been. Ownership by private individuals would be anarchy, and our Government would never permit such individual ownership of any copyrighted works. Yes, this is a minor prohibition, but obviously not to the extent that we could all it an era or even something that smacks of overt government intervention in our free society.
The Copyright is one of the most fundamental tenets of our nation, and the rights of the copyright owners are sacrosanct in every way. Else why would the major entertainment corporations of this country be the only ones permitted to own copyrights? Of course they have the right to charge for viewing, and to check and maintain proper background data of all individuals who view their contents, so that no one would secretly reproduce them in any form or media, even from memory. Such guardianship costs are high, so fees for public viewing on such copyrighted material are also high, as they should be.
Remember too, that our national copyright holders and owners also support the thousands and millions of artists, writers and musicians who generate all this material for these successful corporations to control and disseminate to the paying public.
The right of the citizen to view copyrighted material is also sacrosanct in this country. All citizens, regardless of permitted rank, status, or class level, are freely permitted to view such works during regular viewing hours, and in any authorized viewing center.
The only exception to this are the academic centers across our country. They alone are permitted Web access to a few controlled copyrighted works, but only at authorized campus viewing centers, and only during those times scheduled months in advance by teachers for their student’s viewing.
Such freedom our citizens, students and faculties have in this great land!
The single thing that causes certain dissident individuals to talk about “Prohibition In The Current Era” are the required licensing and registration of all media recorders such as radios, music recorders, video recorders, music and video players, and game consoles. Only those fully controlled devices that are permitted to be used, and fully licensed to the proper individuals are allowed in our society. Even hand phones are controlled devices, as many of them can both record and play back sights and sounds. Of course none of these devices are ever permitted near any copyrighted repositories.
So why should some individuals use this private leasing of media recorders as an attempt to stir up resentment in our citizenry? Their motives are obviously not healthy ones for society, even our free and open society, and something should be done to silence them.
These anarchistic individuals have even spread rumors that, before this century, people were both permitted to have private ownership of any recording and playback devices, and there was no registration enforced for any of them. They even wildly speculate that these things were prevalent in people’s homes and transports, and were for sale in public places! More than that, they say that there used to be privately owned little printers and scanners that every computer owner used to make their own copies of anything, regardless of its content or copyright status! Amazing!
I had to look that one up: computers. Surely they do not mean our free Web viewing devices, do they? These Web devices are incapable of storing or recording anything at all. I think they mean that people once owned personal computers and those machines had the capability to store and record anything at all, and even had programs that allowed the user to modify or change anything they stored or recorded. These devices were even hooked up to the Web and people supposedly exchanged unlicensed copies of all sorts of copyrighted material! Fantastic!
The final straw, in my opinion, and the one that should guarantee that these anarchists be permanently put away, is their troubling stories that private people once owned books, and what is worse, copyrighted books! Can you imagine?
If such a state of anarchy could have ever existed, it obviously would have been a major threat to every copyright holder, and it is little wonder that Congress quickly passed strict laws with high punishments to save our nation from this total lawless anarchy and chaos.
How fortunate we are to have both a benevolent Congress and such open and accessible National Entertainment Corporations, both of which are bulwarks for the continued safety of our great nation.
This concludes the informative article on the supposed Prohibition of the Current Era, dated 2020. We are duty-bound to keep our citizens informed.
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