The Best Technological Inventions of All Time

There are several things that have been invented over the years, some things that have been invented are great while some of the things are not so great. This article is going to look at some of the greatest inventions that have been made to date.

3D printing

3D printing is one of the best inventions that have been made. 3D printing came as a result of other inventions which is the case with most inventions. 3D printing is used in the manufacture of low cost car parts, casino en ligne francais, bridges and more. 3D was first used in 1980 but it has been reinvented over the years.


The first E-cigarette was presented in 2006. Today these cigarettes have become popular. They are now being used as an alternative to traditional cigarettes.

Augmented reality

Augmented reality is when digital graphics are covered onto live footage. Augmented reality is used to transport information in real time. This technology has been around for some time but powerful computers and open source video tracking libraries have been introduced meaning that this technology has now become more powerful. There are industries like roulette online casino that have adopted augmented reality. These industries are health care, travel, fashion, education as well as other industries.

Modern Artificial Pancreas

The first modern artificial pancreas was first introduced in the 70s. the artificial pancreas that was introduced in the 70s was too big, it was the size of a filing cabinet. It has now become potable recently, the first one was approved in 2016. An artificial pancreas is used to treat type 1 diabetes. Since then more versions of the artificial pancreas have since been introduced.


The first company that introduced an e-reader is Sony. This technology existed in the 70s but it became popular during the days that e-books became popular. Although e-readers have declined in popularity, there are people who still use it simply because they love reading. The introduction of smartphones contributed to the decline of this technology.