The Beatles Remastered

The top 10 selling albums of all time does not include any album from The Beatles. How odd is that? In fact, Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band is the top selling Beatles album, released in 1967 and selling thirty-two million copies, and it is number 15 on the list. Some of the groups that have sold more single albums include AC/DC, Whitney Houston, Bee Gees, Led Zeppelin, and (GASP!) Backstreet Boys.

Can anyone honestly argue that any of those bands have had more influence in music than The Beatles? Or more fans? Or more critical acclaim? Even if you combined them into an unholy amalgamation of awfulness? (The mind recoils…)

The Beatles have sold between 600 million to a billion records internationally. That is a “B” there, friend, as in BILLION.

This was a band that was together for only ten years, from 1960 to 1970. Ten years. By contrast, AC/DC has the second most selling album of all time, Back in Black (1980) and the group has been together for 36 years. (More or less, minus the untimely death of their lead singer) That’s 26 more years than The Beatles. And while I enjoy some AC/DC from time to time (For Those About to Rock is my favorite, for obvious reasons) there can be no comparing them to The Beatles in any significant way.

“Once in a Lifetime” is an overused Cliché, but when you are talking about The Beatles, there is no other term that could define this band. There has never been, and probably never will be, a band that has had their effect on music, culture, and popularity.

I have also read how they were ahead of their time. If that’s true, then let’s all agree that they are still ahead of their time. Or, with the major events of today, perhaps it would be more apt to say they are right on time.

First, there is the release of Rock Band – The Beatles, today for the major video gaming platforms. I want it badly, but sadly it will have to wait a few months.

For most people, the really big news is the release of the digitally remastered The Beatles catalog on CD. And while I have most of their albums already on CD (and thus ripped into my iTunes library for listening on my iPhone) I am already planning on replacing my collection with these new remastered versions. Why? Because it’s The Beatles! Remastered! The recordings have been cleaned up, scrubbed, and even had a nice, long bubble bath!

I have been talking with the firm handling the release of The Beatles Re-Mastered, and they were kind enough to email me some great video clips and information on each album:

The Stereo Albums (available individually and collected in a stereo boxed set)
The stereo albums have been remastered by Guy Massey, Steve Rooke, Sam Okell with Paul Hicks and Sean Magee
All CD packages contain original vinyl artwork and liner notes
Extensive archival photos
Additional historical notes by Kevin Howlett and Mike Heatley
Additional recording notes by Allan Rouse and Kevin Howlett
* = CD includes QuickTime mini-doc about the album
Please Please Me* (CD debut in stereo)
With The Beatles* (CD debut in stereo)
A Hard Day’s Night* (CD debut in stereo)
Beatles For Sale* (CD debut in stereo)
Rubber Soul*
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band* (also includes 1987 notes, updated, and new intro by Paul McCartney)
Magical Mystery Tour*
The Beatles*
Yellow Submarine* (also includes original US liner notes)
Abbey Road*
Let It Be*
Past Masters (contains new liner notes written by Kevin Howlett)

‘The Beatles in Mono’ (boxed set only)
The mono albums have been remastered by Paul Hicks, Sean Magee with Guy Massey and Steve Rooke
Presented together in box with an essay written by Kevin Howlett
+ = mono mix CD debut
Please Please Me
With The Beatles
A Hard Day’s Night
Beatles For Sale
Help! (CD also includes original 1965 stereo mix)+
Rubber Soul (CD also include original 1965 stereo mix)+
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band+
Magical Mystery Tour+
The Beatles+
Mono Masters

You can buy them here!

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