Magical – TechFan Podcast #57

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With Tim needing to record a night show, and a day early, David had to miss this episode, so Mark Greentree from Not Another Mac Podcast joined in. Topics include the Stoplight Network, Podcasting, the need for innovation in technology, website needs, how magical our world of tech is, and much more!

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Not Another Mac Podcast
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One thought on “Magical – TechFan Podcast #57

  1. Great episode, guys. And Tim, you’re absolutely right. I was thinking the other night about how we take for granted these tiny little computers in our pockets that connect us to millions of others on the planet, play out games, music, and movies, and hold our life’s information. Like you said, the Internet access alone would be amazing, but that’s just the beginning of what these devices give us.

    Great perspective, and great show.

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