Tether – Review

Tether Stemware Saver
Company: Quirky
Price $14.99/4 pack

Maybe this has happened to you: you have a glass of wine for dinner. After dinner you load and run the dishwasher, which includes the above-mentioned wine glass. When you open the dishwasher at the end of the cycle, you find the wine glass has tipped over, or worse, broke when hitting another glass. If this scenario looks familiar, the Tether Stemware Saver (Tether) may be what you need.

Tether is a flexible plastic rod that slides over a dishwasher post. The opposite end clips onto the wineglass stem. Tether keeps the wineglass stable: no more toppling or breakage.

When I first saw Tether on Quirky’s web site I thought it was a great idea. My husband has wine with dinner every night, so we always have wine glasses in the dishwasher. I wanted to give Tether a try. I like it, but it’s not perfect.

It was very difficult getting the plastic rod onto the dishwasher post. It was equally as difficult attaching the plastic clip to the wine glass stem. My husband and I both pushed, poked, and pleaded with Tether. Finally it attached. The back of the Tether box states, “Protects stemware in multiple sizes and shapes,” followed by, “Do not use this product with non-standard sizes of stemware.” We have everyday wine glasses. I think if the glasses had thinner stems, it might be easier to attach the clip, but I fear that the stems may break from the pressure needed to attach Tether to the glass.

One nice thing about Tether is that you can leave the plastic rod in the dishwasher when it’s not in use. That’s also a bad thing: it takes up space and makes it difficult to load other dishes or glasses around it.

Does the Tether do what it claims? Happily, yes, it does. The wine glass was secure and stayed in place.

Overall, Tether is a fabulous idea. It just needs a little tweaking to be a fabulous product.

MyMac.com Review Rating: 6 out of 10

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