RIP FLIP – TechFan Podcast #27

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Tim and David delve into Amazon’s Android App store and disagree, then a short rant on the TSA performing pat downs on children. Also, Cisco has killed off the Flip, and Tim and David spend just a few moments on ideas that no one had at Cisco to rescue the produce, apparently. Finally, Nintendo is rumored to be releasing a new home console system very soon, so the topic turns to the Wii and what Nintendo should have in the next system.

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2 thoughts on “RIP FLIP – TechFan Podcast #27

  1. I’m disappointed in the decision to discontinue to Flip. I have 3 Flip Mino HD’s that I use in my classroom for student projects. They’re easy to use and produc great pics. Th mice aren’t bad either. The kids love using them. Sad turn of events…

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