Live Home 3D – Review

Live Home 3D Price: for Mac is $30 Mac standard edition or $70 Pro Edition; for Windows free with $20 in-app purchase standard or

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MSsed Opportunities

  I know this is a Mac/Apple website, but something just caught my eye. File it under “Missed Opportunity with a side note of

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Would I still switch from PC to Mac?

The question of whether to switch from a PC to a Mac arises from time to time. I made the move to a Mac in 2007, but the decision would not be as easy today. My only experience with Microsoft software these days is at work, and that doesn’t make it straightforward to compare the Apple world with what a PC has to offer. Why is that?

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Seagate Central Shared Storage Device – Review

As reported on this site in some of my reviews over the last few years, I’m a huge fan of NAS (Network Attached Storage) technology. At present, I own a large RAID 5 NAS, with a slave unit to back up the first unit. Why? I have this much storage to support my media server. All my movies, TV shows, music, etc., are stored on my NAS, and its manufacturer keeps adding interesting new tools to keep their devices up to date, such as cloud support (the buzzword du jour), making it easy to connect to my NAS from anywhere in the world.

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Thanks, XBOX!! – TechFan Podcast #121

Perhaps the Wii U, which has had very disappointing sales so far, has a chance. After all, Microsoft just released more information on the XBOX One, and they seem to be in the business of screwing over customers. Plus, Black Sabbath!

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Parallels 8 desktop for the Mac & iOS Application – Review

I had heard a lot about running virtual machines for years but had never thought to do it. I would think, what’s the point? But then I got the chance to review Parallels Desktop 8 for Mac and its iOS application companion. It was a new experience for me to use a technology I was not familiar with, which is rare, so I grabbed the chance with both hands.

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Passware Password Kit Forensic 11.5 – Review

This month, I obtained a review copy of Passware’s “Passware Password Kit Forensic 11.5”. For brevity’s sake, I’ll refer to it as “Passware” for the rest of this review. Passware is a password recovery/cracking system which has the ability to work on multiple file types. The Forensic Kit version adds more features, such as cracking of filesystem passwords and resetting Windows user account passwords.

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LaCie USB Moskeyto Flash Drive

One truism of modern technology is that everything gets smaller. Computers used to fill rooms. Hard drives that stored an incredible 5 megabytes of data were the size of refrigerators. Cellphones used to be the size of a military walkie-talkie.

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We don’t need no stinking security!
MyMac Podcast 308

Gaz’s problems continue with his much maligned Mac Mini and we also talk about security on OS X and how, if you try REALLY hard and go out of your way to do something dumb, you can get malware on your Mac. Speaking of which, we give you a bunch of different ways to use Windows on your Mac. Call our Skype number (703-436-9501)

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