TechFan #184 – Who’s Watching Me

Tim, David, and Owen discuss the brouhaha over Apple Pay. David finally gets his iPhone 6, Owen tells us about Verizon’s tracking of users, and Tim buys a couple cheap TVs and an iPad Air 2

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MyMac Podcast #496 – Nothing but net

Ah its that time of year again where everything seems new! Yep, almost time for the Macworld Expo! What did you think I meant? While Guy makes T-Shirts, Gaz is looking for tech gear to keep track of how far he goes. ALL kinds of feedback this week too. Net neutrality seems to be under fire with Netflix on one side and Verizon on the other. You can bet if Verizon gets their way, the internet could be changed in the US for a long time.

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Free Calls to Japan

While MyMac typically does not publish press releases, I thought the information from one I received today to be important enough to post here,

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60 Billion worth of Truffles!
MyMac Podcast 329

Steve Jobs takes a leave of absence and Apple announces their quarterly results for the 1st quarter of 2011 which adds up to a LOT of Italian white Alba Truffles! We also have some great audio feedback from Scott (Pocket Sized Podcast) Willsey and Tim (TechFan) Robertson about Nuking Verizon…or something like that. We’re also giving away a few Mac App bundles courtesy of AppSumo!

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App Stores and ViPhones
MyMac Podcast 328

A longer show than normal (normal being a relative term with the GMen) but filled with great stuff! We totally botch telling someone how to do a Nuke and Pave and can’t find a Spanish Dictation program to save our life. We LOVE the Mac App Store but have a very odd way of showing it, and talk about how the Verizon iPhone may be a big deal in the US, but it’s a been there and done that most other places.

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MyMac Podcast 307: With Listener invite Gaz’ or Guy

Gaz is back from a work and holiday break from the podcast and got to see the Royal Air Force Red Arrows acrobatic flying team. Guy obviously confuses the US Navy Blue Angels and the US Air Force Thunderbirds and he’s really, really sorry about that. They gab a bit about the iPad on the road, the Magic TrackPad, and Gaz’s problems with his Mac Mini. We go on as well about iPhones and Verizon. We FINALLY get to the 2nd part of the Gaz and David Cohen interview (because we both like David so there!)

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