Elephant-ish extinct things in a twitter-like environment. Is it that the GMen projecting? Whatever the case may be, this week’s show is kinda long,
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Elephant-ish extinct things in a twitter-like environment. Is it that the GMen projecting? Whatever the case may be, this week’s show is kinda long,
Read MoreNo turtles were hurt (because we like them) in the making of this podcast, but brain cells could be an entirely different matter. We recording a few days earlier from now on which means you get all that GMen goodness a few days early too! Well until you get used to it and don’t think it’s a big deal anymore. Gaz watches the Olympics through the BBC on his iPad and Guy wipes Snowy off his Mac Pro. We’re both amused over the MASSIVE amounts of tablets Samsung sold last quarter (37,000) as well as other courtroom shenanigans from our friends from across the pond who never saw a good design they couldn’t steal! Dorothy Yamamoto asks us about iCloud and much much more!
Read MoreYou’ll have to listen to find out what Chiroptophobia is, but the why they called the show that is still a mystery. Maybe they have a fear of naming things (no that would be Nomatophobia).The big 400th Podcast is coming up and Gaz and Guy can’t WAIT to give you people stuff for being so wonderful about listening to the show! However they seem to be able to make you wait until the 400th podcast actually happens. So far they have three companies willing to pony up some great prizes including BusyCal from BusyMac Software, the Co-Pilot iOS app from ALK Technologies , and MacKeeper 2012 from ZeoBIT Software. Then they go over a big list (but not a conclusive list) of the software they like on their Macs and why.
Read MoreMore about you the listeners this week than about any news from the Mac scene. We talk about buying used Macs (kinda), the state of Radio (not really), and how to waste a perfectly good beer (OK that we did do). QuickTime gets some attention as a fast video editor and a good discussion on what we’ll do on future shows goes on (say what?). All in all, a weird time is had by all but what ELSE did you expect just after Christmas?
Read MoreDownload the show here and listen, and subscribe in iTunes and get each show for FREE Peter rants a lot in this podcast, which
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