MyMac Podcast 548: Best of the MyMac Podcast 1-100

Gaz and Guy are doing Allison Sheridans NosillaCast Podcast for her this week so we’re bringing you something special! It’s the Best of the MyMac Podcast shows 1-100 and there’s some great stuff here. There’s the original MyMac Podcast theme, Tim and Chad talking about the OTHER podcast that has MyMac in its name, also them talking about the Motorola ROKR phone, and Sgt Perry makes his first appearance insisting Mac users install Window XP without protection. After that it’s Tim and Chads interview with Dr. Gil Amelio former CEO of Apple. In the last segment we’ve got an early bumper by David Cohen, one of the last Dashboard Minutes by Guy, John Parr singing about what makes the Mac great for him, Tim and Guy alive at the Grand Rapids Apple Store, and lastly a Dashboard Minute with Guy (not surprisingly) screwing up.

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MyMac Podcast #500 – About frigging time

You’ve waited, and waited, and waited some more for the 500th podcast and it’s finally here! No app picks or much about the Macworld Expo this week or stuff from Google + or Twitter. Gaz and Guy talk a little about playing with organs (the musical kind) on iPads and then things get REALLY interesting when we get all the former hosts together into one virtual room. Naturally they talk a lot about the history of the podcast and a lot of it will make you laugh. Stand by for action!

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And it’s all over now – MyMac Podcast #444

Macworld is over and Guy is finally home from all his weary travels. Gaz couldn’t make it due to family obligations so original host Tim Robertson now on TechFan jumps in to keep Guy from sounding weird or is that even possible? Tim’s views on the future of the Macworld Expo, and just plain craziness fill out the rest of the show.

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TechFan #9 – Tech & Government

The most contentious episode of TechFan to date, as Tim Robertson, David Cohen, and special guest Owen Rubin discuss the role of government in Technology and the Internet. The debate then moves on to the music industry and the TSA, and hilarity ensues. The start of the show has Tim discussing a very odd iTunes problem, and maybe you have the answer!

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MyMac Podcast 306 – Tim Returns

Tim Robertson returns to host the MyMac podcast. This episode features a discussion on the new Microsoft Buy a PC campaign against the Mac, backup solutions for our important data, top iOS apps we are enjoying, and so much more! Hosted by Tim, Guy, and special returning champion Greg Holdsworth!

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