Steve Jobs Steps Down…

Sad, yes, but not unexpected. Your family and health must, always, come first. We all wish you well, Mr. Jobs! CUPERTINO, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–To the

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60 Billion worth of Truffles!
MyMac Podcast 329

Steve Jobs takes a leave of absence and Apple announces their quarterly results for the 1st quarter of 2011 which adds up to a LOT of Italian white Alba Truffles! We also have some great audio feedback from Scott (Pocket Sized Podcast) Willsey and Tim (TechFan) Robertson about Nuking Verizon…or something like that. We’re also giving away a few Mac App bundles courtesy of AppSumo!

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Like it or not, Steve Jobs is Right

You see I own a cell phone and the last two phones I have owned have had stickers on them clearly stating if the phone is held in “this specific place” reception could drop. In fact it did drop and I lost calls every time I held the phone in that spot. On my previous phone I had to train myself not to hold the phone a specific way than I was used to holding it.

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The iPhone as a Netbook Alternative

The netbook craze has reached a fever pitch, but what does it mean for Apple? We take a look at this hot-button issue and give our readers the definitive answer. Well, an answer anyway.

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Steve Jobs’ Health

Steve Job’s state of health has been questionable ever since he “recovered” from Pancreatic cancer. Watching him on stage yesterday made me think, “Is

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MyMac Podcast #117
Adam Christianson and Robin Williams

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Adam Christianson from The MacCast joins Tim and Chad for lively chat about his history in Macs, the current state of Apple and Steve Jobs, and much more. David Cohen reviews Take Control of Running Windows on a Mac, Second Edition. Robert Essential Acoustic Guitar and DVCreators Final Cut Pro Foundations. To wrap the show, Nemo interview one of our favorite Mac authors of all time, Robin Williams.

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Links from the show

The MacCast
Robin Williams
eMedia Essential Acoustic Guitar
DVCreators Final Cut Pro Foundations
The Non-Designer’s Collection
The Non-Designer’s Design Book Second Edition
Take Control of Running Windows on a Mac

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Notes from the Editor #10

After sending in my registration for TechTool 1.0.9, I received a nice thank you note from the manufacturer with the following quote attached: “DOS

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