Tim and David talk some podcast history, trouble at Intel, Apple buys Pixelmator, and David gets a Spectrum!
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Tim and David talk some podcast history, trouble at Intel, Apple buys Pixelmator, and David gets a Spectrum!
Read MoreRecorded 24th December 2017 This week we are in a party mood and we get some guests in to talk about the year in
Read MoreSennheiser Handmic Digital Sennheiser $259.00 US Sennheiser Handmic Digital is a dynamic handheld microphone that can connect using a USB port or Lightning connector.
Read MoreThe Turkish Crime Family have threatened the GMen! Yes, us and 559 million of our closest friends! Well, to be honest they have no
Read MoreBeing on the road and trying to keep up a schedule of recording a semi daily podcast with above average sound quality was proving a challenge,until the iRig Mic Cast landed on the doormat. An ultra compact, lightweight and an incredibly affordable microphone for your travel bag, the Mic Cast is ideally suited to the challenge.
Read MoreDavid has an eye problem, Tim wonders what combo of over the counter drugs are safe, a bad Microphone makes recording difficult, and they both discuss almost ten years of Podcasting, with a special interview at the end of the show with ex-CEO of Apple Gil Amelio.
Read MoreTim and David look at the decaying radio industry, and then talk about the Stoplight Network. Plus, Tim tries the new Batman game on his iPad live on the show. Or at least tries to.
Read MorePocket Sized Podcast has gotten addicted to Apple TV! Listen to the show here, and subscribe in iTunes! Hello, my name is Scott, and I’m
Read MoreWelcome to episode 2 of the Pocket Sized Podcast about iOS devices. Open Source Legend Peter Nikolaidis of the Fresh Ubuntu podcast joins me in this interview episode to talk about his adventures with his iPhone in Brazil.
Read MoreThe G-Men, Guy and Gaz, join Tim for a fun hour to talk podcasting, Apple Works, shopping, the Apple TV, and much more. David Cohen has a pre-recorded monolog, and Tim has some fun in post-production with it. Then, at the very end, a special guest shows up to help us close the show!
Read MoreA long and winding show across the universe of Mac Topics. John Blagden joins the G-Men and gives us quite a lesson on what Mac Pros want from their hardware, ESPECIALLY the now-canceled XServe. Gaz seeks and finds some help for his MacBook and Guy has grown to hate his current iMac for NOT running GarageBand properly. The Beatles are now on iTunes and after all this time, how big a deal is it really?
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Guy Serle returns with part seven of his iWeb series, this week looking at creating a new blog on your .Mac account. Read one of the only continuing internet columns about taking iWeb further than you would believe.
Have you ever deleted a podcast from iTunes and you are asked if you want want to move the deleted files to the trash? Find out how you can REALLY reclaim some hard drive space.
Read MoreUbercaster is very different from GarageBand in one important way. The program does many of the things needed to do in GarageBand in post-production all within Ubercaster’s workflow BEFORE you begin recording. It has a unique layout that is reminiscent of most good Mac software, drag and drop. There are four layers to the program and each is well structured for making podcasts.
Read MoreI get quite a bit of email about our weekly podcast and one of the most recent question that listeners have been asking is a technical one: “How do you get your conversations with other people to sound like they’re actually in the same room with you?†Rather than send the same explanation to each person every time I get one of these emails, I thought it would be easier to just write an article and explain how we do it.
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Download the April 14 2005 MP3 show HERE
File size 16.25MB 32 minutes in length
This PodCast is sponsored by Small Dog Electronics
Updated Contest information. Be sure to send any and all contest entries to contest@mymac.com
Chad and Tim talk a lot about Tiger on this weeks show. Plus, a brand new Not Mac News by Chris Seibold
Be sure to check out The Roadhouse Blues PodCast here for your chance to win a Newer Technology RoadTrip! FM transmitter, thanks to MacSales.com.
We would love to hear from you. Please send feedback via email to mymacpodcast@gmail.com in either plain text or MP3 feedback!
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Download the March 31, 2005 MyMac.com PodCast HERE.
32:18 Minutes 17MB in size
We adjusted our sound levels and EQ settings. We think this sounds much better, but let us know what you think!
This PodCast is sponsored by Small Dog Electronics. Be sure to click this link and visit Small Dog today!
On today’s show, we go over some of the latest content online at MyMac.com, and share our “wish list” for future Apple products. Do you have a program or hardware item you would like Apple to create? If so, let us know and we will share your wish list on a future PodCast.
Also this week, Chris Seibold’s Not Mac News! Yeah, baby!
Drop us feedback, either in text or MP3 sound file to mymacpodcast@gmail.com
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