Rebelle 2 – Review

Rebelle 2 Developer: Escape Motions Download: $89.99 (50% upgrade discount for existing users) Rebelle 2 is a painting/drawing application that uncannily replicates traditional art

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Rebelle painting/drawing app – Review

Rebelle is a painting/drawing application for the Mac and Windows. Its interface will be familiar to many users as there are repositionable, rectangular palettes for Tools, Color, and Layers. The app includes impressive media possibilities: Watercolor, Acrylic, Pastels, Pens, and Pencils.

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ArtRage 4 for OS X – Review

When I purchased my first iPad several years ago, the first art painting app I installed was ArtRage. At the time it offered, and yet continues to have, the most realistic oil painting brushes of any painting app for the iPad or iPhone. As I use it so frequently on my iPad, I was eager to use the Mac OS X version on my new iMac.

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ArtRage 4 – Review

ArtRage is a Macintosh painting and drawing application that allows you to apply paint or ink to virtual paper or canvas as naturally as you would to their real counterparts. Oil paints leave textural strokes, watercolors actually spread, marker ink bleeds into the paper, pallet knives smear, pastels are genuinely chalky.

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EasyPen Slim Pen Graphics Tablet – Review

Graphics tablets tend to be fairly big, heavy, and expensive but the new EasyPen Slim Pen Tablet from Genius is thin, light, and reasonably priced. Wacom tablets have held a virtual monopoly in this category for years with very little real competition. Genius is becoming a challenger in this field and their new Slim Pen Tablet is a contender.

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Genius PenSketch 12″ x 9″ Tablet – Review

Put a pressure-sensitive stylus in your hand, apply it to a graphics tablet for the first time, and magic happens. It’s a revelation that makes you wonder about all that mousing you’ve done in the past to retouch a photo. You can read all you want about what it’s like to use a tablet, but you need to actually use one to understand how amazingly precise it feels.

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Nomadbrush Compose Short Tip (iOS stylus) – Review

Styli for iOS devices abound these days—big tips, small tips, plastic tips, metal tips, spongy tips, and even some with brushes. If you are a writer or a note taker, a fine rubber tip is probably going to be best for you. If you use a stylus mostly for casual games such as Draw Something, almost any stylus will be better than your finger.

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