Recorded 30th September 2017 Mark just about has time to do the show before he jets off again, this time to Munich for the
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Recorded 30th September 2017 Mark just about has time to do the show before he jets off again, this time to Munich for the
Read MoreJoining Bart this month are Gaz from the My Mac Podcast, Victor Cajiao from the 3 Nerd Things podcast, Adam Christianson from the MacCast,
Read MoreLantronix xPrintServer Office Price: $200 Company: Lantronix With all the mobile devices surrounding us, the need to print documents is lower than what it
Read MoreParallels Desktop 10 for Mac Parallels Inc. $79.99/Upgrade $49.99 Parallels Desktop 10 for Mac is hardware virtualization software for Macintosh computers with Intel processors.
Read MoreGaz is feeling right! Guy is, well, Guy so we all know how that usually works out. They have a great second section topic
Read MoreBecause we haven’t talked about it enough, Gaz and Guy devote the entire second section of the show to the Macstock Conference and Expo
Read MoreNo Gaz this week as he deals with some family stuff (don;t worry, he’s OK), but Guy is joined by Peter Bird of the Deeper Look Podcast and they have a nice chat about why Guy is SO tired, WWDC,your thoughts, and feedback! So much cool stuff that it couldn’t be contained! Well, it was and all within this show
Read MoreRemember how last week it was a short show? This week, not so much. Guy really likes Photos from OS X 10.10.3, but Gaz hasn’t yet pulled the trigger. But Gaz HAS seen an Apple Watch and Guy hasn’t which makes him a jealous boy. They also talk about the Star Wars movies now in iTunes, MacBooks, and how PC sales seem to keep falling as Mac sales go up. Weird.
Read MoreA short show this week recorded early (actually on April Fools day) with not much going on. Guy helps his brother Bill, the Maltese Cube script is complete, and Mike Potter of the For Mac Eyes Only podcast asks Guy to possibly put together a talk for a mini-conference while he’s at the Mid West Mac BBQ in June. WHAT was he thinking?
Read MoreGaz and Guy are doing Allison Sheridans NosillaCast Podcast for her this week so we’re bringing you something special! It’s the Best of the MyMac Podcast shows 1-100 and there’s some great stuff here. There’s the original MyMac Podcast theme, Tim and Chad talking about the OTHER podcast that has MyMac in its name, also them talking about the Motorola ROKR phone, and Sgt Perry makes his first appearance insisting Mac users install Window XP without protection. After that it’s Tim and Chads interview with Dr. Gil Amelio former CEO of Apple. In the last segment we’ve got an early bumper by David Cohen, one of the last Dashboard Minutes by Guy, John Parr singing about what makes the Mac great for him, Tim and Guy alive at the Grand Rapids Apple Store, and lastly a Dashboard Minute with Guy (not surprisingly) screwing up.
Read MoreFun show this week if a little obsessed with owls. Guy plays with Photos, Gaz plays records what? Then they discuss the March 9th Apple event which should already be over by the time you hear this. Also Microsoft’s Office for Mac 2016 and why Java isn’t good for you. Don’t believe us? Just Ask.
Read MoreBoth the GMen are sad about the death of Leonard Nimoy and dedicate this podcast to his memory. More stuff about the Maltese Cube, Guy’s son Peter is an extra on House of Cards, Gaz’s mail is still messed up, and Apple is opening two new green data centers in Europe! OK, a bit of an eclectic mix but that’s what we do.
Read MoreWere doing the NosillaCast Podcast for Allison on the 15th of March! How will it go? Anyone’s guess, but the smart money is on funny train-wreck. Apples instructions for the iBook Store still confuses Guy, but what does not? Gas is super excited about the new Photos app still. Somehow or another a discussion off air about Captain Scarlett and the Mysterians leads to an on-air talk about the rumored Apple iCar or whatever the heck people are calling non-existent products from Apple these days.
Read MoreGaz gets his OWC Thunderdock and Guy rambles nearly incoherently (like we could tell the difference) of trying to get his book into Apples iBook Store. Amazon has it but its so easy that it isn’t like its THAT big of an accomplishment. Gaz talks about how he’s looking forward to the new Photos app from Apple and how he’s getting ready for it. Plus all the usual insanity you might expect from the GMen.
Read MoreGaz is away and James Turner jumps into the mix to discuss with Guy what might have been the outcome if Steve Jobs hadn’t left Apple back in 1985. Oh, and Guy talks about being old.
Read MoreGaz and Guy are in rare form this time around or maybe not, who can tell? They go into some of the buzz surrounding various governments talking about safe keys to private messaging because we all know that there’s no way if they could do it that no one else could right? Right?
Read MorePeter Jackson couldn’t do it, Tolkien himself couldn’t do it, but Microsoft could and did. They stopped the Hobbit Temporarily anyway. Guy and Gaz finish their discussion on the best time to buy Apple stuff and so much more.
Read MoreSo while Gaz is off spending time with his family, Karl Madden from the Mac & Forth Podcast was kind enough to fill in much to his later regret. They talk about their holidays,the Console Christmas hacks, and Kim Jong Un the Glorious Leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea or as we more commonly know it as the bat&*#$ crazy Korea. Oh and Guy calls hackers bad names because he can.
Read MoreIt’s Christmas (or name your preferred holiday title here) and the GMen are grateful for your continued support and downloads. It’s makes them confused but regardless they do appreciate it. All the usual stuff, plus Christmas tales from years past so enjoy!
Read MoreCan you believe that nearly 5 years ago, Gaz and Guy started their version of the MyMac Podcast! Can you believe that Tim hasn’t wrestled away the show back from? We sure can’t. However it wouldn’t be a MyMac anniversary show without at least SOMETHING going wrong and sure enough, Guys SoundBoard program is somehow hosed. Didnt stop the GMen though as they finished the conversation they started last week about PC to Mac switchers. Don’t forget about their Bumper contest with as yet undefined prizes! Or as yet undefined length!
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