A Geeky Lady and Her MacBook Pro

Do I buy a MacBook Pro during Apple’s Back to School promotion and get my son’s education discount plus a $100 iTunes card? Or do I wait for the new MacBook Pro to be released later in the fall?

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The Path to Data Privacy and Security

The advent of social networks and cloud computing have brought with them questions about privacy and security, both from technical and ethical standpoints. This was brought to the forefront again this past week, as many iOS users might know, when a social network called Path was found to be uploading its users’ contact information without notifying them that it was doing so.

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It’s Not Happening Yet

The death of Steve Jobs did more than rob the tech industry of a visionary. It also robbed some people of confidence in Apple as a company.

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Memoirs of an Apple TV addict

Hello, my name is Scott, and I’m an Apple TV addict. I haven’t been one for long only since a couple days after Christmas. But unlike some addictions, this one was instantaneous.

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MobileMe: The Final Conflict

In the age of Google, Dropbox, Chrome OS, online backup, and remote access solutions, it’s pretty evident that cloud computing is already mainstream. What types of cloud computing and how much of our data is going to wind up in the cloud are issues that are still being worked out. And nowhere do those questions need to be asked more than with Apple’s MobileMe service.

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Nano Nano

Apple claims that statistics show that most previous model iPod nano owners were not making use of the video recording capabilities. And though Apple wouldn’t openly admit it, the camera on the nano was nothing to brag about. Compare it to even an older Flip Mino and you’d probably never use the nano camera again.

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