TechFan #264 – Apple Anger

Time to get fed up with Apple and the insulting Mac upgrade cycle? Tim and David discuss. Also, Nintendo is releasing a mini NES, Amazon has a big problem brewing, the PocketCHIP, and magazines. Tim also finds a killer deal at

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TechFan #251 – Trust

David and Tim have a great argument in the second half of the show about streaming first run movies. Also, do you trust the technologies that require an online connection? Did you know that NES games are still being made? There is a new campaign to recreate the Commodore 64. And look at our links to get an Xbox 360 USB controller to work with a Mac!

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NES30 Bluetooth Game Controller – Review

As someone who grew up playing the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), I have very fond memories of this game controller. Remember, this came out right after the Atari Joystick so the NES controller was radically different. There have been many companies offering NES style controllers that work on modern computer gear for many years but the NES30 gets much of it right.

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