TechFan #267 – Hacking Around

Tim and the returning David discuss hacking the FireTV Stick, HDMI inputs on a Mac, 17-inch MBP upgrades, Xbox One, connected devices, crappy controls on monitors, podcast editing, John Martellaro’s Background Mode, and much more.

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Monitoring the Situation – TechFan #52

Why demolish and old building when you could simply refurbish it, and how that relates to old monitors is the focus this week. Do you remember your first color computer monitor? We do, and we thank the geek gods that display technology has kept pace with computer technology over the past twenty years.

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Subject: Problem Solving Guy #2 – Monitors and Displays

Here’s our second in an ongoing series of helpful Q&A conversations between John “Nemo” Nemerovski and Guy Serle. Nemo asks the questions and Guy ducks answering them like a felon avoids a parole officer. Uh, not that he knows anything about that. They welcome your suggestions for future topics.

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