No Power Makes Guy Sad – MyMac Podcast #410

Almost had another Gaz solo show with no power at Guy’s house for three days, but the power company fixed it just in time! If this had been Guy’s only problem over the last week it would have been no biggie, but this was just the tail end of Guy’s woes and he’s determined to tell you all about it. Gaz sticks to a more normal life (for Gaz anyway), with expensive FaceTime roaming charges, transitioning out of MobileMe, and another great Mac tip for this week.

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Get Snow Leopard For Free!

In this case the deal is legitimate and helps many MobileMe users take the next step to becoming iCloud users. The offer does not extend to non-MobileMe subscribers. It is interesting to note that even though I have already made the transition to iCloud from MobileMe, Apple is still willing to send me a free copy of Snow Leopard.

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Visual QuickStart Guide: iCloud – Book Review

When Lion and iOS 5 were released, I timidly stepped into the Apple iCloud experience and began using some of its offerings. Although I still do not use all of the iCloud features, what I have chosen to enable has been through my own trial and error approach. For those of you that have not yet ventured into the iCloud, the iCloud: Visual QuickStart Guide will definitely allow this to happen with ease.

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Are You Lonesome Tonight
MyMac Podcast #356

Gaz is Joined by Peter from Upfold from as Guy is traveling and catching up on all his podcasts. We chat about the MobileMe demise and Peter mentions a possible, well partial paid for alternative in Fruux. It seems that the people have finally heard Guys calls for Bumper feedback and maybe they realize how valuable the iHubs could end up being.

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MobileMe: The Final Conflict

In the age of Google, Dropbox, Chrome OS, online backup, and remote access solutions, it’s pretty evident that cloud computing is already mainstream. What types of cloud computing and how much of our data is going to wind up in the cloud are issues that are still being worked out. And nowhere do those questions need to be asked more than with Apple’s MobileMe service.

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Interarchy 10 – Review

Interarchy has a venerable history. It was first released in 1993 and can claim to have been the leading FTP client ever since, enabling (as the site of its current developers, Nolobe, says) “hundreds of thousands of Mac users to upload, download and transfer files across the Internet.”

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Mac the Shutterbug

Digital photography has revolutionized the photography industry. I remember when, for most people, learning about photography primarily centered on learning the craft up to the point of removing the film from the camera and sending it in to get it processed. Sure, I dabbled in black and white film developing and photo printing in the early 80’s, but anything other than black and white print film was beyond my capacity to deal with myself. Now, thanks to digital cameras, computers, and specialized software, photographers have a whole other facet of photography to enjoy learning and mastering.

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iPhone 3GS Portable Genius – Book Review

Most iPhone users take it for granted that they know how to use most of their phone’s features. An iPhone is a thing of beauty, a device so well designed that most of us can figure out how to utilize its basic functions in short order. Apple surely realizes this – the iPhone ships with a manual, doesn’t it?

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Fenestration 42
Data Exchange in the Clouds

For users straddling the Windows PC and Mac worlds, the question of seamless data interchange between the systems can be a challenging one. Of course, with the capabilities of OS X, the rise of USB and the availability of flash drives and external disks it is probably easier than it has ever been to pass data, but nevertheless there are still considerations of disk formats, file formats and application versions to consider.

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