1More Piston Classic In- Ear Headphones – Review

In the dizzying world of audio accessories, price is not always a good indicator of quality. These Piston Classic In-Ear Headphones from 1More are a remarkable buy for only $20. I have famous brand over-the-ear headphones that cost nearly 20 times that much and don’t sound as clean and pleasing as the attractive Piston Classics.

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Flashlight – 4 in 1. Flashlight, Strobe, Morse Code, and Lighted Magnifier – Review

Since the release of iPhone 4 with the included LED flash, developers have been creating flashlight applications for the iOS App Store. The result has been a large volume of both free and paid offerings.

Flashlight – 4 in 1 is not free but is available for US$0.99. This app is not just a simple flashlight. It is a 4 in 1 solution that incorporates a Flashlight, Magnifying Glass, Strobe, and Morse Code functionality.

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