MyMac Podcast 524: Bend it like Beckham

Melissa Davis takes a chance in joining the GMen for an episode. Many tried to warn her against it, but she just didn’t believe them. They have a long talk about iPhone bending as well as iCloud issues, Family Sharing SNAFU’s, and general all around recent Apple problems. Doesn’t sound like much fun, but they manage to turn every issue into rainbows and sunshine! Well, they laughed a lot about it anyway.

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MyMac Podcast #501 – Mittens

No Gaz this week as he gets his revenge on Guy for being gone for MacWorld. Or something like though it may actually just be spending time with the family someplace fun and not about Guy at all. Speaking of run on sentences, Owen joins Guy and they talk about Macworld (though in no great detail) in a very informative and revealing (where we find out why Guy is Gus and Owen is Opie! How exciting is that!). STILL no end to the podcast contest (next for maybe sure!) and lots of some of the interviews done by the MyMac Staff at some Expo or something.

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MyMac Podcast #500 – About frigging time

You’ve waited, and waited, and waited some more for the 500th podcast and it’s finally here! No app picks or much about the Macworld Expo this week or stuff from Google + or Twitter. Gaz and Guy talk a little about playing with organs (the musical kind) on iPads and then things get REALLY interesting when we get all the former hosts together into one virtual room. Naturally they talk a lot about the history of the podcast and a lot of it will make you laugh. Stand by for action!

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Macworld Expo day 3 – The gang is all here

Second day of Macworld but the last day for us all being together. Join Guy, Vicki, Elisa Mark, Eric, and Owen as they yammer a lot about things mostly related to some kind of Tech event, maybe. Then Guy talks to the Jupiter crew at OWC about spaceships and massive storage, and a bunch of interviews we did on the Expo floor.

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MyMac Podcast #499 – So close, yet so far away

With this being show 499, you’d think the next one would be 500…or the one after that…nope. This IS however the last Gaz and Guy show before the Macworld Expo so get ready for fun. Guy has problems with multiple Apple IDs and has to go to Apple Support to get them fixed, Gaz has problems with Rugby, his Mac, and Airports, but it may have all been in hs head. Guy talks about the long journey ahead and Gaz tries in vain yet again to explain English money.

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MyMac Podcast #498 – You won’t like me when I’m angry

Just two to five or more episodes until the 500th show! Can you feel the excitement in the air? If you can you should most likely go see a doctor since solid emotions in your nostrils is probably not a good thing. A certain groups proposal (number 9, number 9,number 9,) seemed to really hack off Tim Cook at the last shareholders meeting, so Guy has a little chat with the founder of the NCPPR, Amy Ridenour to ask her about it. Please check the links below for the proposal itself and another to Ms. Ridenours blog about the incident. Gaz is looking for some better way to keep an iOS device on him to keep track of how much exercise he does and also a way to mount one in the kitchen. If only he could combine the two

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MyMac Podcast #497 – Monkey in the Middle

The SSL Exploit for both the Mac and iOS is absolutely nothing to worry about unless you don’t live in a cave, have a Mac newer than a PowerPC, or use the internet. Do or have any of that and you should probably be going for those updates. Gaz is doing a lot of traveling, but it’s Guy’s Maps program that seems to be stopping progress. All this and more this week on the MyMac Podcast.

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MyMac Podcast #496 – Nothing but net

Ah its that time of year again where everything seems new! Yep, almost time for the Macworld Expo! What did you think I meant? While Guy makes T-Shirts, Gaz is looking for tech gear to keep track of how far he goes. ALL kinds of feedback this week too. Net neutrality seems to be under fire with Netflix on one side and Verizon on the other. You can bet if Verizon gets their way, the internet could be changed in the US for a long time.

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TechFan Podcast #151- Guy Plus

Guy Serle from the MyMac Podcast joins Tim and David for a spirited episode of TechFan. WhatApp is now owned by FaceBook, we discuss Google+, advertising during online videos, Cortana from Halo coming to Windows Phone, Tesla and Apple, and much more!

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MyMac Podcast #495 – Why buy when you can rent?

Don’t you just HATE buying software and having that feeling of a one time price? Wouldn’t you rather just have to pay less for it each month or it stops working? Gaz and Guy debate this topic with their usual thoughtfulness so you probably shouldn’t expect a hard and definitive answer should you? Also the weather takes a hard beating or perhaps its the other way around, ISPs suck, Captain Kirk should sound like Curly, and Guy needs a more typical Press hat for Macworld. All this week on the MyMac Podcast.

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MyMac Podcast #494 – Doing it on the run

Because absolutely no one asked, Guy goes over in detail how he’s going to podcast using just iOS at the Macworld Expo. You’d think he’d have the process pretty much worked out by now. Meanwhile Gaz is excitedly testing rechargeable batteries in Apple devices that dont have Apples logo, that rebel! While it all sounds rather mundane, this was a pretty funny show.

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MyMac Podcast #493 – Oh iPod, we hardly knew Ye!

Both GMen are sick this week, well more so than usual so please excuse the occasional cough. So the iPod has dropped more than 50% year over year in sales. Will Apple start pruning or will it be kept around for sentimental reasons? Guy and Gaz have their favorites and which ones they would dump and how they would change some of them to be more relevant today. Don’t forget to send in your GMen bumpers to have a chance to win in the 500th podcast contest!

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