MyMac Podcast 320 – Listener Invite John Blagden

A long and winding show across the universe of Mac Topics. John Blagden joins the G-Men and gives us quite a lesson on what Mac Pros want from their hardware, ESPECIALLY the now-canceled XServe. Gaz seeks and finds some help for his MacBook and Guy has grown to hate his current iMac for NOT running GarageBand properly. The Beatles are now on iTunes and after all this time, how big a deal is it really?

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MyMac Podcast 304: New Macs and Irish Cacti

Gaz is off to Belgium for his JOB (sheesh!) and Tom Schmidt steps in to talk about the new iMacs, Mac Pros, and a Magic Trackpad (Really Apple? MAGIC Trackpad?). A listener has a sad G5 Mac and Safari wants to tell everyone a secret. Danielle Corsetta from the popular webcomic Girls with Slingshots  drops by to talk about how she writes, draws, and posts webcomics and keeps (most) of her sanity. Finally Tom talks about the differences between Apple Stores and local Apple premium resellers

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