LapWorks GripZilla Pro Handle and Tablet Handler Pro for 10 to 13-inch Tablets – Review

Remember when there was pretty much one size for a tablet computer? When Apple came out with the original iPad it was 9.7-inches and the follow up Android tablets were much the same when they were released. Then in a desperate attempt to distinguish themselves from all the other Android tablets (and the iPad), the other companies started making them in different sizes.

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Laptop Legs and Mac Feet

I own a newer PowerBook. And as anyone who owns a newer PowerBook (or any newer laptop) knows by now, it gets very HOT! Enter Laptop Legs and Mac Feet from LapWorks to solve the problem. When I first saw this product, I said, “No way, I’m not sticking those things to the bottom of my PowerBook.” But once again, after having my PowerBook get so warm I could not longer type on it, I decided to give them a try, and I am happy I did.

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