Lantronix xPrintServer Office Price: $200 Company: Lantronix With all the mobile devices surrounding us, the need to print documents is lower than what it
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xPrint Server – Review
My HP printer is almost five years old. I am of the philosophy, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” I have it plugged into my Airport Extreme so everyone in the family can print wirelessly from this printer if they don’t want to use their own printers. However, printing from iOS is another story; more on that later. Seeing a problem to be solved, the good folks at Lantronix came up with an elegant solution: the xPrint Server.
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Macworld/iWorld 2013 Recap-Part 2 – Episode 19 – 3 Geeky Ladies
Elisa goes solo for this episode where she shares more interviews from Macworld/iWorld 2013. Again, please forgive the uneven audio, she’ll try to do better next time!
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Macworld Expo / iWorld Day 1 – MyMac Podcast #441
Elisa, Guy, Julie, and Vicky get together at the end of the day. Tired and sore, but sitting down to talk about their experiences at Macworld 2013. It’s been an interesting show so far. Ashton Kutcher does an exclusive interview (no he doesn’t) to talk about his feelings (as if) about life, acting, and his love for the MyMac website (PLEASE don’t really believe this is true). Lots of vendor interviews from the floor but the real gem in this podcast is Ashton (someone please check Guy’s medications).
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