LaCie Slim SSD P’9223 Drive – Review

Sleek, speedy and gorgeous. No, not a gazelle—it’s the P’9223 Slim SSD external hard drive from LaCie. The Porsche Design enclosure measures a tidy 5″ by 3″ and is only 7/16″ thin; thinner than a MacBook Air. The case is solid aluminum and feels satisfyingly substantial. Apart from a razor thin slit for the indicator light and a USB port, the case is sleekly clean.

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LaCie USB Moskeyto Flash Drive

One truism of modern technology is that everything gets smaller. Computers used to fill rooms. Hard drives that stored an incredible 5 megabytes of data were the size of refrigerators. Cellphones used to be the size of a military walkie-talkie.

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LaCie 1TB external Hard Drive, design by Neil Poulton

Designer hard drives. Has it really come to this? A hard drive should be utilitarian, be robust and have oodles of space for all the stuff we want to put on it. Considering that we rarely look at them except over whatever icon is assigned to them (or that we assign to them ourselves) on our desktops to access information and data, who cares what they look like and I’ll be damned, DAMNED I say if I’ll buy a drive based on looks alone. Except…

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LaCie’s elittle disk – pocket drive

Typically, external hard disk drives are not something you simply carry with you. And Flash drives, while small in size, never have enough capacity or are fast enough for more complex jobs. LaCie has a very cool alternative to this problem….

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LaCie FireWire Speakers

Every computer I have ever owned had an audio output port, and so far, I have not had reason to dislike the audio coming from it. I wanted to know why I needed these Firewire connected speakers over the USB flavor.

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