EverWeb – Review

EverWeb is a drag and drop web site builder that appeals to the experienced web designer as well as the occasional user. Create a web site from scratch, or start from a built in template. No coding knowledge or experience is required, though the more adventurous can add HTML or CSS on individual pages.

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Sandvox 2.5 – Review

First, for those that don’t know what Sandvox is, it is a website editor in the WYSIWYG category and builds your site in HTML5. I would include iWeb, Rapidweaver, and others in this category. Out of the two, it is probably most like iWeb, which has been my software choice for my website since it came out (iWeb, not my website). However, iWeb is not longer being developed by Apple and it is time to find a new editor for my website.

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Hey iTunes, Gotta Match? – MyMac Podcast #354

Skype seriously disliked us tonight with Volume issues and hisses. But we soldered on and had a great time talking about all kinds of stuff and LOT’S of great feedback from out terrific listeners! We got our 50th FaceBook Liker (is that even a word?), talked about DropBox, and Actor Richard Dreyfuss was kind enough to read the iTunes EULA for us ‘um what? iWeb may be history and Gaz is not happy about it. iTunes Match gets a going over and Guy can’t end the show worth a darn.

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Trick or Treat from Apple

Oh Apple, you just LOVE screwing with my head. Just when it seemed like this was going to be year of nothing but iOS and mobile devices (the AppleTV being somewhat of an exception, but since it’s essentially running the iOS it hardly counts), you throw out an invitation for some serious Mac love. So let’s throw out a few predictions of what’s coming on October 20th.

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Walmart is right on Target!
MyMac Podcast 315

We get some very nice feedback from Twitter and a Skype call from a Mystery caller about iWeb. Is iLife 11 coming out soon? Amazon’s German site seems to think so. Guy and Gaz spend some time talking about what they’d like to see in the next version just in time for GarageBand to crash. Also, Walmart and Target will soon be selling iPads. Who in Apple thought THAT was a good idea?

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Using iWeb 08
Part 6

If you have stuck with me so far, I’ve talked a lot about how to use iWeb’s powerful built-in tools, how to make your own navigation bar, and how to set up Master Pages. What have I left out? Oh yeah, some other tools you may find useful and actually using the program.

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Using iWeb 08
Part 5

In parts 1 through 4 of this article we discussed iWeb and its interface and finally we are ready to start talking about making web pages!

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Macspiration 99
Personal Domain in iWeb/.Mac

With the introduction of iLife 08 you can now have your iWeb sites use your own personal domain that you have registered rather than using web.mac.com/username. For example, my domain, hedgehogalley.com, now points to my web.mac.com site that I have made in iWeb. Previously, the way to have this work was with domain forwarding through your registrar, but you would need to turn on something called masking to hide the web.mac.com address once the web browser got to your site.

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